The Proper Way to Build Muscle Naturally
If you are wanting to build a lot of muscle without having to use any type of steroid, then I am glad you are here reading this article.
Believe it or not, I use to be extremely skinny, weighing in at 119 pounds going into high school.
By the time I was out of high school I weighed 185 pounds.
In this article I am going to be giving you the same tips someone gave me to help me build more muscle.
1-Forget about the magazines Did you know that the majority of magazines are actually owned by supplement companies? Because of this, they will give you certain workout programs and tell you the only way you can get these results is if you take this supplement.
The truth is the only supplement you should have is protein and maybe creatine.
You should also ignore the workout program because they are usually very poorly put together.
2-Train heavy and train often Most people spend hours in the gym doing a lot of reps.
If you have been doing this you need to stop right away, you want to make your time in the gym as short as possible.
If you are going over an hour you need to cut it down big time.
You want your weight to be heavy enough so you cannot do any more than six reps.
You also want to make sure you are doing three full body workouts per week.
3-Get some sleep This is one of the forgotten keys to building a lot of muscle.
If you do not get a lot of sleep you are going to have some trouble building muscle.
Sleep is actually when you build the most muscle and you recover the quickest.
If you are not getting at least eight hours of sleep then you need to start today.
Believe it or not, I use to be extremely skinny, weighing in at 119 pounds going into high school.
By the time I was out of high school I weighed 185 pounds.
In this article I am going to be giving you the same tips someone gave me to help me build more muscle.
1-Forget about the magazines Did you know that the majority of magazines are actually owned by supplement companies? Because of this, they will give you certain workout programs and tell you the only way you can get these results is if you take this supplement.
The truth is the only supplement you should have is protein and maybe creatine.
You should also ignore the workout program because they are usually very poorly put together.
2-Train heavy and train often Most people spend hours in the gym doing a lot of reps.
If you have been doing this you need to stop right away, you want to make your time in the gym as short as possible.
If you are going over an hour you need to cut it down big time.
You want your weight to be heavy enough so you cannot do any more than six reps.
You also want to make sure you are doing three full body workouts per week.
3-Get some sleep This is one of the forgotten keys to building a lot of muscle.
If you do not get a lot of sleep you are going to have some trouble building muscle.
Sleep is actually when you build the most muscle and you recover the quickest.
If you are not getting at least eight hours of sleep then you need to start today.