Neck Pain Reasons - Precautions and Exercises to Get Relief From Pain
Neck pain is a common medical condition & most of the adult population suffers from this problem at some point of time in their life.
The neck pain may be due to improper habits/postures in our daily routine life, lackluster life style, and misalignment in the spine, injury, stress, muscular tightness or any other health problems.
Bad sleeping habits like sleeping on stomach (when you have to keep your head 90 degrees to side), using very thick or thin pillow, working long hours on desk/computer, viewing TV in awkward position or traveling for long hours in sitting position, improper/excess exercises or work outs, are the main causes of stiffness, soreness, cramp or neck pain.
The neck is composed of vertebrae along with the ligaments that provide stability to the spine.
It supports the entire weight of the head as well as provides mobility.
However, because it is less protected than the rest of the spine, the neck can be vulnerable to injury and disorders that produce pain and restrict motion.
Following precautions/measures can save you from neck pain:
The neck pain may be due to improper habits/postures in our daily routine life, lackluster life style, and misalignment in the spine, injury, stress, muscular tightness or any other health problems.
Bad sleeping habits like sleeping on stomach (when you have to keep your head 90 degrees to side), using very thick or thin pillow, working long hours on desk/computer, viewing TV in awkward position or traveling for long hours in sitting position, improper/excess exercises or work outs, are the main causes of stiffness, soreness, cramp or neck pain.
The neck is composed of vertebrae along with the ligaments that provide stability to the spine.
It supports the entire weight of the head as well as provides mobility.
However, because it is less protected than the rest of the spine, the neck can be vulnerable to injury and disorders that produce pain and restrict motion.
Following precautions/measures can save you from neck pain:
- Proper posture while sitting - keep your head & back straight.
- While working on computer or viewing TV move around periodically and do some stretching exercises to relieve tension/stiffness of the neck.
Avoid continuously sitting for a long time in one position. - While lifting heavy things do not bend your back & neck.
Sit down with your knees bend; keep the heavy object close to your body while lifting. - Sleep on a hard bed while lying on your back.
Do not sleep on your stomach. - When there is swelling or pain in the neck apply heating pads on the neck.
- Do regular exercises/yogaasanas to keep your neck flexible.
- Stretch your arms in front of you, parallel to the ground at shoulder height level and palms of both the hands should be facing ground.
Close the fists in such a way that your thumbs remain inside; rotate your fists in clockwise direction.
While rotating fists your hands should remain straight & may not bend at elbow.
Now rotate your fists in anticlockwise direction & keep normal breathing.
You should do these exercise 15-20 times from both the hands. - Place your both the hands on shoulders & join elbows in front of you & make big zero in clock wise direction.
While rotating your arm your elbows should touch each other with every rotation.
Repeat this exercise in anticlockwise direction.
You should do at least ten rotations in both the directions with normal breathing.
You can do these exercises in your office also while working on computers for long time. - Raise your both the hands over your head & catch the right wrist with your left hand & left wrist with your right hand.
Take a deep breath & pull the right hand with your left hand in such a way that elbow of your right hand should come behind your head.
Now exhale & repeat this exercise from left hand. - Interlock fingers of both the hands & place them behind your head.
Take deep breath & put pressure in opposite direction from hand to your head & from head to hand.
It will strengthen the muscles of your upper spine.