Naturally Cure Your Infertility
Naturally cure your infertility by doing a few things to alter your lifestyle.
No woman wants to learn she is infertile but you must realize that being infertile is different that being sterile.
Sterility is the complete inability to having children.
Infertility is being unable to get pregnant after twelve months of trying if you are 34 years of age or younger or six months of trying if you are 35 years of age or older.
For many couples, being infertile is a devastating realization however understanding that you are not alone in dealing with infertility provides some comfort.
In fact, it is estimated that 15 percent of couples are infertile.
Even more comforting is that about half of infertile couples eventually do have children either on their own or with medical assistance.
Luckily, there are numerous fertility treatments available but before you seek those treatments, it is much better if you try to naturally cure your infertility first.
Naturally curing your infertility is not some off-the-wall concept.
It is more in line with what your doctors will tell you to do.
Weight loss, eating a healthy diet, regular exercise, and above all quitting smoking if you are a smoker.
Again, you will need to do these things anyway once you become pregnant but it is more beneficial for you and your future baby since the chances of becoming pregnant greatly increase as you lose weight and quit smoking.
There has been recent research conducted that suggests being underweight or overweight negatively affects fertility.
William Gibbons, MD, director of the division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and president-elect of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine suggests that "preconception weight" is a very underestimated, if not overlooked variable when women try to conceive.
Going further, a study published in Fertility and Sterility in 2004 found that being overweight doubled the time it took to get pregnant compared to women of a healthy weight.
If the woman is underweight, the time it took to get pregnant increased four-fold.
There is a litany of reasons why anyone should quit smoking but this is especially true if you wish to become pregnant.
It has been shown that there is a link between smoking and its affects on how well the egg attaches to the uterine wall.
In men, smoking has been found to decrease the sperm count.
Both factors are vital to a successful pregnancy.
Going further, smoking has been shown to elevate the risk of a miscarriage.
If you are trying to conceive, what is the point in trying if you end up in a miscarriage due to smoking? Kicking this habit will be something you will want to do anyway.
Think of it as one of your first loving acts as a parent.
You will find that sacrifice and parenting go hand-in-hand but you will also realize that you will gladly do it for the sake of your child.
Being a parent is one of the most rewarding jobs we have so it can be devastating to come to the grim realization that you might be infertile.
However, infertility does not mean you cannot have children.
Just because you are deemed infertile, it does not mean you cannot become a parent.
It only means it will be a little bit more difficult for you to become pregnant.
Weight loss and quitting smoking are just two things that you can do to naturally cure your infertility before stepping foot in a fertility clinic.
You will most likely be instructed to do these things anyway so might as well get a head start on it.
Do not be discourage and try to keep an open mind.
You will be amazed at what you can accomplish for the sake of your child.
No woman wants to learn she is infertile but you must realize that being infertile is different that being sterile.
Sterility is the complete inability to having children.
Infertility is being unable to get pregnant after twelve months of trying if you are 34 years of age or younger or six months of trying if you are 35 years of age or older.
For many couples, being infertile is a devastating realization however understanding that you are not alone in dealing with infertility provides some comfort.
In fact, it is estimated that 15 percent of couples are infertile.
Even more comforting is that about half of infertile couples eventually do have children either on their own or with medical assistance.
Luckily, there are numerous fertility treatments available but before you seek those treatments, it is much better if you try to naturally cure your infertility first.
Naturally curing your infertility is not some off-the-wall concept.
It is more in line with what your doctors will tell you to do.
Weight loss, eating a healthy diet, regular exercise, and above all quitting smoking if you are a smoker.
Again, you will need to do these things anyway once you become pregnant but it is more beneficial for you and your future baby since the chances of becoming pregnant greatly increase as you lose weight and quit smoking.
There has been recent research conducted that suggests being underweight or overweight negatively affects fertility.
William Gibbons, MD, director of the division of reproductive endocrinology and infertility at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and president-elect of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine suggests that "preconception weight" is a very underestimated, if not overlooked variable when women try to conceive.
Going further, a study published in Fertility and Sterility in 2004 found that being overweight doubled the time it took to get pregnant compared to women of a healthy weight.
If the woman is underweight, the time it took to get pregnant increased four-fold.
There is a litany of reasons why anyone should quit smoking but this is especially true if you wish to become pregnant.
It has been shown that there is a link between smoking and its affects on how well the egg attaches to the uterine wall.
In men, smoking has been found to decrease the sperm count.
Both factors are vital to a successful pregnancy.
Going further, smoking has been shown to elevate the risk of a miscarriage.
If you are trying to conceive, what is the point in trying if you end up in a miscarriage due to smoking? Kicking this habit will be something you will want to do anyway.
Think of it as one of your first loving acts as a parent.
You will find that sacrifice and parenting go hand-in-hand but you will also realize that you will gladly do it for the sake of your child.
Being a parent is one of the most rewarding jobs we have so it can be devastating to come to the grim realization that you might be infertile.
However, infertility does not mean you cannot have children.
Just because you are deemed infertile, it does not mean you cannot become a parent.
It only means it will be a little bit more difficult for you to become pregnant.
Weight loss and quitting smoking are just two things that you can do to naturally cure your infertility before stepping foot in a fertility clinic.
You will most likely be instructed to do these things anyway so might as well get a head start on it.
Do not be discourage and try to keep an open mind.
You will be amazed at what you can accomplish for the sake of your child.