How to Save Recorded Messages From a Cell Phone
- 1). Visit the "Control Panel" from "Start" menu on your screen and look for "Bluetooth devices." Select this option for enabling the Bluetooth feature on your computer.
- 2). Enable Bluetooth on your mobile phone. Although each cell phone may have slightly different menu and settings, you will be able to locate Bluetooth from the "Settings" menu of your phone.
- 3). Connect both the devices by entering a similar security code. This can be any number that you will enter on both phone and computer to establish the connection.
- 4). Access the recorded messages on your mobile device from your computer after a connection is established. Copy these messages and paste them in a folder on your PC.
- 1). Access your email from your mobile device. If the cell phone does not have email feature enabled, open the Internet browser on your mobile phone and sign in to your email address.
- 2). Compose a new email and attach the recorded message files that you want to save.
- 3). Save this email as a draft or enter your email address and click "Send." The messages will be saved in your inbox.
- 1). Connect your cell phone to the computer using USB data cable.
- 2). Install drivers for your phone. These will be available in the CD that came with the cell phone when you purchased it. You can also look for the drivers online. Once the installation is finished, reboot your PC after removing the CD from the CD drive.
- 3). Go to my "Computer" from the "Start" menu on your computer's screen. Here you will see your mobile phone's storage folder. Click on the folder to access the recorded messages.
- 4). Copy the recorded messages and paste them in a folder on your computer.
- 5). Unplug the cell phone's data cable from the computer.
Data Cable