Health and Safety Slogans for Parents
Updated March 28, 2012.
We all know the basics of how to keep our kids safe and healthy.
Car seats, childproofing, sunscreen - we all know what we are supposed to do.
How do you make sure you remember, though?
Reviewing some of these health and safety slogans can help. They can help us remember how to keep our kids safe and healthy, and also how to help teach our own kids to start learning to take care of themselves.
Safety Slogans
Will safety slogans really help you remember important safety advice?
Will they reinforce the advice for your kids?
They likely couldn't hurt, so give them a try:
- When thunder roars, go indoors! (lightning safety)
- Click it or ticket (seat belts)
- Leaves of three, let it be. (identifying poison ivy)
- Back to sleep. (SIDS)
- Be still like a tree. Be still like a log. (safety around dogs)
- Clean, separate, cook and chill. (food safety)
- Fireworks are not child's play. Leave it to the professionals. (fireworks safety)
- Safety is NO accident. (child safety)
- Slip, slop, slap and wrap. (sun protection)
- Slip, slop, slap, seek and slide. (sun protection)
- When in doubt, throw it out. (food safety)
- Stop, drop and roll. (fire safety)
- Beware what you share. (internet safety)
Kids learn some of these safety slogans in school, but like anything else, if you don't review them once in a while, you forget them. When was the last time your child thought about the "Stop, drop and roll?" If it has been a while, would he know what to do if his clothing caught on fire?
Health Slogans
When it comes to health slogans, most people first think of "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." While the part of the phrase that suggests you eat an apple a day is certainly good advice, as apples are very nutritious foods, it likely won't help you avoid a visit to the doctor.
Following these other health slogans might keep you healthier though:
- Fruits & veggies - more matters. (nutrition)
- Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. (MyPlate guidelines)
- Breast is best. (breastfeeding)
- What a difference a friend makes. (mental health)
- Let's move. (exercise)
- When in doubt, leave it it out. (food allergies)
The "Cover your Cough" campaign is a good health slogan to help prevent the spread of germs from coughing and sneezing, especially during cold and flu season.
Reducing complicated health and safety messages to simple slogans isn't going to prevent or fix all of our parenting problems, but they can be useful reminders of the parenting advice that is available and that we have learned already.
They are a good way to reinforce those messages too.