How to Flush Rabbits & Birds Without a Dog
- 1). Walk along overgrown fence rows, through weeds and bushes or around briar patches in search of rabbits. Search the ground ahead and all around as you walk looking for rabbits sitting still. Watch for movement as rabbits will often hop a short ways and then freeze.
- 2). Kick into brush piles forcing rabbits to jump out and run. Take the shot before they disappear into another patch of cover. Watch them as they run if you can't get a shot to see where they go and then flush them again.
- 3). Snowshoe hares can be tracked on snow until they are found. Hares will often move only a short distance when flushed out of their hiding spots and then count on their winter white coats to hide them from danger. Search among low ground bushes and clear areas between them to spot hiding hares.
- 4). Walk quickly through fields of long grass to surprise unwary pheasants and quail forcing them to fly up as you almost step on them. Be ready for a quick shot as they will burst into the air from under your feet without warning. If the birds are running ahead of you keep walking quickly toward them which can cause them to panic and fly up.
- 5). Move slowly through brush, grassy fields and along fence lines with frequent stops for pheasants and quail. Slow movement will often cause the birds to freeze in place waiting for you to pass. By stopping near them, they will flush thinking they have been discovered.
- 6). Hunt around brush piles for quail by circling the brush. If no quail fly out kick at the brush or throw an object into it to flush the birds. Take the shot and then watch the remaining quail that fly out and see where they land as the covey will quickly regroup giving you a second chance at them.