Types of Fish for Salt Water Aquariums
- Goby fish are great for beginners as they are peaceful and can live in smaller tanks (10 gallons). There are many different goby fish to choose from, such as the orange and green clown goby fish, and the neon-blue goby.
- These fish are some of the most popular and are easy to take care of. They are white towards the head and get darker--from yellow to red--going back towards the tail.
- These are also very popular and come in many different varieties, ranging in color, but often containing whites, blacks and yellows. They grow up to 6 inches, but be careful: some species require coral polyps in their diet to live.
- These orange, white and black-striped fish are also very common as they are hardy and live well with sea anemones. They should be purchased in groups of the same species and introduced to the tank at the same time.
- Many people taking care of larger saltwater tanks keep eels in them. They grow between 24 and 35 inches, and need many hiding places in order to live healthfully.
Butterfly Fish