3 Stunning Psychological Tricks That Will Make Girls Like You - You"ll Laugh to at How Easy it Is
Almost every guy out there has asked himself this question: "how can I make girls like me?", at some point and time in his life! Guys want to know how they can make a long lasting impression on a girl which will have her thinking about him all the time.
But you see, a lot of guys struggle in this area and simply blame their failures with women on their looks, money etc...
but those things really do not matter to women.
But, there are a few key things which will push any woman's buttons so much, that once you use these psychological tricks, you will literally have them chasing you...
Talk to her friends more than you talk to her - Once you have established some conversation with a girl, turn the attention immediately off of her and start talking to her friends.
Doing this will make her feel jealous and she will instantly start wondering what is wrong with her that you got bored.
This will make her seek your attention even more, just trying to prove to you that she is better than her friends.
Tell her you noticed something weird or interesting about her, but never tell her what it is - This trick works every single time with women and it will make her crazy.
The reason it works so well, is simply because women love challenges.
Her curiosity level will be raised so high, because she will feel like something is stopping you from telling her, and she won't be able to resist the temptation of probing more into this one.
Don't let the outcome rule the situation - If you simply forget that you want a certain girl, and just be around her and talk to other women at the same time, you will instantly appeal to her.
Since you are playing hard to get by not simply just dishing out everything you have to offer to her alone, she will chase you like crazy.
But you see, a lot of guys struggle in this area and simply blame their failures with women on their looks, money etc...
but those things really do not matter to women.
But, there are a few key things which will push any woman's buttons so much, that once you use these psychological tricks, you will literally have them chasing you...
Talk to her friends more than you talk to her - Once you have established some conversation with a girl, turn the attention immediately off of her and start talking to her friends.
Doing this will make her feel jealous and she will instantly start wondering what is wrong with her that you got bored.
This will make her seek your attention even more, just trying to prove to you that she is better than her friends.
Tell her you noticed something weird or interesting about her, but never tell her what it is - This trick works every single time with women and it will make her crazy.
The reason it works so well, is simply because women love challenges.
Her curiosity level will be raised so high, because she will feel like something is stopping you from telling her, and she won't be able to resist the temptation of probing more into this one.
Don't let the outcome rule the situation - If you simply forget that you want a certain girl, and just be around her and talk to other women at the same time, you will instantly appeal to her.
Since you are playing hard to get by not simply just dishing out everything you have to offer to her alone, she will chase you like crazy.