Wounds Can Heal Very Fast With This Homeopathic Medicine
Wounds can heal up really quickly and easily in some people, and become chronic, infected and stubbornly refusing to heal in others.
What's the difference? Well, apart from the degree of the wound, in that the larger and more serious ones will obviously take longer to heal, there is another factor.
And that is how healthy you are.
Or more accurately, how healthy your immune system is.
I differentiate as some people consider they are healthy, but in reality, their immune system can't cope with much.
All beings have an enormous capacity to heal themselves.
And it is this capacity (or your immune system) that does all the healing.
But if you have a compromised immune system, then your body can't heal itself.
There are many things which knock your immunity.
Top of the list would be an unhealthy diet.
But you can also suffer blockages throughout your life, that will prevent your immunity from doing its job efficiently.
So in your effort for a quick healing of wounds, or indeed of any ailment, you need something which will stimulate your immune system.
Homeopathy does that exceedingly well.
Let's take a look at one of the most effective homeopathic medicines for healing injuries and wounds.
It's called Calendula.
It comes in both a topical applicant and as an internal medicine.
And you need both, but the internal medicine is more important.
There are few keynotes of Calendula, as it does have remarkable healing capacities for nearly everyone and every injury.
It can prevent and also heal existing infection.
It can prevent tetanus.
Some of the more particular symptoms it can heal are a lacerated wound and a wound which feels feels very cold.
You want to cover it up, rather than leave it exposed.
Some typical lacerations are a caesar or an episiotomy wound.
Many women feel the pain in this scar for years.
I have found the internal use of Calendula in potency almost invariably heals it completely.
Topical use of the herbal tincture of this remarkable medicine can bring enormous relief to the patient.
Application of a sponge, soaked in a hot diluted solution of Calendula tincture can bring great relief after delivery.
Calendula can be the only medicine that is needed in dressing any open wound.
It can stimulate healing, prevent infection and reduce any scar formation.
For best results, use the diluted tincture on all open wounds, and take the medicine orally, in potency.
What's the difference? Well, apart from the degree of the wound, in that the larger and more serious ones will obviously take longer to heal, there is another factor.
And that is how healthy you are.
Or more accurately, how healthy your immune system is.
I differentiate as some people consider they are healthy, but in reality, their immune system can't cope with much.
All beings have an enormous capacity to heal themselves.
And it is this capacity (or your immune system) that does all the healing.
But if you have a compromised immune system, then your body can't heal itself.
There are many things which knock your immunity.
Top of the list would be an unhealthy diet.
But you can also suffer blockages throughout your life, that will prevent your immunity from doing its job efficiently.
So in your effort for a quick healing of wounds, or indeed of any ailment, you need something which will stimulate your immune system.
Homeopathy does that exceedingly well.
Let's take a look at one of the most effective homeopathic medicines for healing injuries and wounds.
It's called Calendula.
It comes in both a topical applicant and as an internal medicine.
And you need both, but the internal medicine is more important.
There are few keynotes of Calendula, as it does have remarkable healing capacities for nearly everyone and every injury.
It can prevent and also heal existing infection.
It can prevent tetanus.
Some of the more particular symptoms it can heal are a lacerated wound and a wound which feels feels very cold.
You want to cover it up, rather than leave it exposed.
Some typical lacerations are a caesar or an episiotomy wound.
Many women feel the pain in this scar for years.
I have found the internal use of Calendula in potency almost invariably heals it completely.
Topical use of the herbal tincture of this remarkable medicine can bring enormous relief to the patient.
Application of a sponge, soaked in a hot diluted solution of Calendula tincture can bring great relief after delivery.
Calendula can be the only medicine that is needed in dressing any open wound.
It can stimulate healing, prevent infection and reduce any scar formation.
For best results, use the diluted tincture on all open wounds, and take the medicine orally, in potency.