How to Preserve a Calculated Field in a Pivot Table
- 1). Open a spreadsheet with a pivot table in Excel.
- 2). Right-click on the Pivot table and select "Pivot Table Options". Uncheck the box next to "Autofit Column Widths On Update" and check the box next to "Preserve Cell Formatting on Update". Click the "OK" button.
- 3). Highlight the field to preserve. Click on the top of the column or the side of the row when your cursor turns into an arrow, to select the entire row or column.
- 4). Click on the "Home" tab on the top toolbar. Click on "Format" in the "Cells" section. When the drop-menu appears, select "Lock Cell". Repeat for all the cells you need to preserve.
- 5). Select "Protect Sheet" in the "Format" drop-down menu. A small window will appear with protection options. The sheet must be protected for the cells to be locked. Choose a password and type it in the box.
- 6). Choose permissions for users from the list provided. Click on the boxes to check them. Press "OK".
- 7). Save the pivot table and spreadsheet. Click on the file menu and select "Save" or "Save as". The "Save" option will save the changes on top of the file you opened. The "Save As" option will give you the option to choose a location and name for the file.