Is it Necessary to Give Tithe?
Tithe is a tenth of your income. Giving tithe is an act of obedience to God. A tenth of your income always belong to God. If you don't give your tithe, you are stealing from God. Many Christians don't give tithe. They feel that giving tithe is not a requirement of God. God wants us to give tithe to show our love to him. Tithe is given to the house of God, the church (Malachi 3:10; Leviticus 27:30). Offering is money given to use for the purposes of God's kingdom. Offerings are the excess donations than the tithe you give for God's kingdom. The tithe helps cover the expenses of the church. Giving tithe is a commandment that every Christian must obey.
God wants us to give the tithes willingly. 2 Corinthians 9:7 states that you must give according to the amount of money you have decided and not forcefully. God did not force us to give the tithe. If you feel that you cannot give 10% of your income, you can give whatever amount of money you have decided to give. God is not pleased if you give reluctantly. God is pleased with the cheerful givers. 2 Corinthians 9:6 states that whatever we sowed, we will reap. If you tithe properly, God will bless you in various ways. God does not necessarily will bless your finances. He can bless you in other ways. If you need God to help you financially, you can ask him. Jesus says ask and it will be given to you. You can say a prayer to Jesus and tell him your financial need. Jesus will answer your prayer if you ask reasonably and have faith in him.
It is wrong for a Christian to gamble. Gambling is forbidden according to the law of God. Christians should not buy lottery or gamble at the casino. Gambling is an act of love of money. Jesus said that we can only serve one master. We can serve either God or money (Matthew 6:24). When someone have some financial need, we should help them. For example, if someone needs money for a matter, we should do our best to help them. The Bible says that we must not reject anyone who ask help from us (Matthew 5:42). We also should pay tax to the government. We should not cheat the government of the tax. We must give the tax the appropriate amount we owe to the government. Stealing is a sin against God (Exodus 20:15).
God wants us to give the tithes willingly. 2 Corinthians 9:7 states that you must give according to the amount of money you have decided and not forcefully. God did not force us to give the tithe. If you feel that you cannot give 10% of your income, you can give whatever amount of money you have decided to give. God is not pleased if you give reluctantly. God is pleased with the cheerful givers. 2 Corinthians 9:6 states that whatever we sowed, we will reap. If you tithe properly, God will bless you in various ways. God does not necessarily will bless your finances. He can bless you in other ways. If you need God to help you financially, you can ask him. Jesus says ask and it will be given to you. You can say a prayer to Jesus and tell him your financial need. Jesus will answer your prayer if you ask reasonably and have faith in him.
It is wrong for a Christian to gamble. Gambling is forbidden according to the law of God. Christians should not buy lottery or gamble at the casino. Gambling is an act of love of money. Jesus said that we can only serve one master. We can serve either God or money (Matthew 6:24). When someone have some financial need, we should help them. For example, if someone needs money for a matter, we should do our best to help them. The Bible says that we must not reject anyone who ask help from us (Matthew 5:42). We also should pay tax to the government. We should not cheat the government of the tax. We must give the tax the appropriate amount we owe to the government. Stealing is a sin against God (Exodus 20:15).