How to Squeeze a Boil
- 1). Inspect the boil daily for changes in size and color. If it spreads or grows, consult a medical professional. Also consult a medical professional if you begin running a fever or if the boil becomes red in color.
- 2). Wash your hands, then dampen a washcloth with hot water. Place the damp washcloth on the boil for 10 to 15 seconds. This brings the blood and puss to the surface.
- 3). Apply dampened warm washcloths every day until the boil bursts on its own. Do not squeeze it. This could take several days.
- 4). Wash the boil with soap and water after it busts and drains. Applying antibiotic ointment and a bandage. Do this two to three times a day until the area has healed.