Dry Spices Vs. Fresh Spices
- Spices usually are already dried and come whole or ground. Whole spices allow the cook to control the freshness of the spice. Whole spices can keep up to four years without losing their flavor, while the shelf life of ground spices is about one year. Ground spices generally are more expensive.
- The decision to use fresh or dried with herbs often depends on the dish. A Caprese salad wouldn't be a Caprese salad without fresh basil, nor would beef bourguignon be the same without the flavorful fresh parsley, thyme and bay leaf used in bouquet garni.
- Dried herbs typically are less expensive than fresh and often are more flavorful. In many places, they have better availability, although many grocery stores stock fresh herbs in the produce section.
- Dried herbs have a shelf life of up to three years before losing their flavor. Fresh herbs usually last up to a week if properly stored.
- Dried herbs and spices can be substituted for fresh in many cases. The general rule of thumb is one teaspoon of dried herbs or spices for one tablespoon of fresh.
Whole or Ground Spices
Fresh or Dried Herbs
Differences Between Dried and Fresh Herbs
Shelf Lives of Dried and Fresh Herbs