Do I Have Colon Cancer Symptoms?
Colon cancer effects 7% of Americans and can be devastating.
There is no known cure for colon cancer so early and frequent screening is necessary.
The majority of cases begin as simple non-cancerous clusters of cells which are known as adenomatous polyps.
While these polyps are benign, over time they can develop into colon cancers.
Adenomatous polyps themselves can be small and create very few or no symptoms at all.
This is why screening is so important - once your doctor notes the presence of polyps he can remove them to prevent them turning cancerous.
But what if you have not had a screening? How do you recognize the symptoms of colon cancer? The first thing to note is that a lot of people with colorectal cancer have no symptoms at all in the disease's early stages.
When symptoms do appear they can vary greatly based on the cancer's location and size.
There is no substitute for early detection, but if you have been unable to get to the doctor for screening, here are some things to look for: 1.
Sudden and/or unexplained weight-loss.
A change in your bowel movements - look for anything that is changed from normal - a change in frequency, the consistency, persistent diarrhea or constipation any change that lasts more than two weeks and cannot be associated with another illness.
Extreme fatigue or weakness.
Not feeling able to completely empty your bowel.
Stomach discomfort including cramps, gas, and pain.
Bloody stool or bleeding from the rectum.
The fact is that most of the symptoms of colon cancer are also symptomatic of other problems so this is why it is necessary to see your doctor as soon as possible.
If it turns out you do not have cancer then you need to look into other causes for these symptoms.
All of the symptoms above, except for unexplained weight loss and extreme fatigue are signs of an impacted intestinal system.
If this is the case, it could be that you need to undertake a program of colon cleansing in concert with colonic irrigation to remove irritants from the bowel and allow a return of normal bowel function.
The best defense against colon cancer is regular screening and early detection.
Your doctor can find and remove adenomatous polyps before they develop into cancer.
If you have any bowel symptoms that you are unsure of, see your doctor immediately.
Your bowel health is too important to take chances with.
There is no known cure for colon cancer so early and frequent screening is necessary.
The majority of cases begin as simple non-cancerous clusters of cells which are known as adenomatous polyps.
While these polyps are benign, over time they can develop into colon cancers.
Adenomatous polyps themselves can be small and create very few or no symptoms at all.
This is why screening is so important - once your doctor notes the presence of polyps he can remove them to prevent them turning cancerous.
But what if you have not had a screening? How do you recognize the symptoms of colon cancer? The first thing to note is that a lot of people with colorectal cancer have no symptoms at all in the disease's early stages.
When symptoms do appear they can vary greatly based on the cancer's location and size.
There is no substitute for early detection, but if you have been unable to get to the doctor for screening, here are some things to look for: 1.
Sudden and/or unexplained weight-loss.
A change in your bowel movements - look for anything that is changed from normal - a change in frequency, the consistency, persistent diarrhea or constipation any change that lasts more than two weeks and cannot be associated with another illness.
Extreme fatigue or weakness.
Not feeling able to completely empty your bowel.
Stomach discomfort including cramps, gas, and pain.
Bloody stool or bleeding from the rectum.
The fact is that most of the symptoms of colon cancer are also symptomatic of other problems so this is why it is necessary to see your doctor as soon as possible.
If it turns out you do not have cancer then you need to look into other causes for these symptoms.
All of the symptoms above, except for unexplained weight loss and extreme fatigue are signs of an impacted intestinal system.
If this is the case, it could be that you need to undertake a program of colon cleansing in concert with colonic irrigation to remove irritants from the bowel and allow a return of normal bowel function.
The best defense against colon cancer is regular screening and early detection.
Your doctor can find and remove adenomatous polyps before they develop into cancer.
If you have any bowel symptoms that you are unsure of, see your doctor immediately.
Your bowel health is too important to take chances with.