Happiness - The Easiest Way To Attain Happiness!
If one defines happiness, it can be seen as a state of life in which you feel pleased with everything.
It is a 'feel good' thing.
The other feelings associated with happiness are contentment, love, delight, safety, sexual pleasure and utter joy.
There are many things that bring this sort of momentary happiness.
These include things like winning a lottery, harmony in personal relationship, a trip you are looking forward to, a new promotion - the list is endless.
Isn't happiness a much better option than the feelings of hatred, pain, suffering, sorrow and disharmony? In fact, it is important that every person should experience happiness in their life rather than these negative feelings.
Some psychologists have actually found a solution to achieve this goal of happiness.
It is in the form of a formula that has to be followed for you to become truly happy.
This formula is as follows: pleasure when added to engagement and then added up with meaning gives the end result of happiness.
But aren't you wondering how this equation has come about? And how can you experience the feeling of absolute happiness? Don't be worried if you do not understand this formula in totality.
Let us explain it to you so that you too can attain your goal of true happiness.
Becoming happy is not an easy task.
We face so many problems everyday that it is so easy to fall into a low-life condition like sadness or depression.
However the fact is that no one can avoid problems.
But you can apply this formula of happiness, without even becoming a psychologist.
But what do you really need to do? Let us share with you some inputs to make your struggle for happiness a truly rewarding one.
Craving for pleasure is inherent in all of us.
We may crave for the simplest pleasures like the pleasure of enjoying a good day, seeing a rejuvenating sunrise, simple jokes, laughter shared between friends to the most complex pleasures like success in an endeavor and love.
Another factor that is crucial to your happiness is engagement.
You can find complete contentment and happiness if you are doing something that you really want to do.
However, upon being forced to do something that doesn't hold your interest, you will be unhappy.
All these elements give meaning to your life.
When you have the feeling that your existence is valued by the people around you and that you belong in this world, your life will become more meaningful and enjoyable.
When you start appreciating your life and the lives of other people around you, you will experience the feeling of genuine and absolute happiness.
Happiness is not just all about you, and neither does it arise from being perfect in front of other people.
Often, people are very conscious about how they should behave or what they should do, because of the expectations of the people around them, or the society.
Unhappiness often stems from this fact.
Happiness essentially refers to respecting and loving one's own self and others.
When you are able to strike this balance in life and are able to be at peace in your heart, you definitely can and will attain your goal of happiness.
It is a 'feel good' thing.
The other feelings associated with happiness are contentment, love, delight, safety, sexual pleasure and utter joy.
There are many things that bring this sort of momentary happiness.
These include things like winning a lottery, harmony in personal relationship, a trip you are looking forward to, a new promotion - the list is endless.
Isn't happiness a much better option than the feelings of hatred, pain, suffering, sorrow and disharmony? In fact, it is important that every person should experience happiness in their life rather than these negative feelings.
Some psychologists have actually found a solution to achieve this goal of happiness.
It is in the form of a formula that has to be followed for you to become truly happy.
This formula is as follows: pleasure when added to engagement and then added up with meaning gives the end result of happiness.
But aren't you wondering how this equation has come about? And how can you experience the feeling of absolute happiness? Don't be worried if you do not understand this formula in totality.
Let us explain it to you so that you too can attain your goal of true happiness.
Becoming happy is not an easy task.
We face so many problems everyday that it is so easy to fall into a low-life condition like sadness or depression.
However the fact is that no one can avoid problems.
But you can apply this formula of happiness, without even becoming a psychologist.
But what do you really need to do? Let us share with you some inputs to make your struggle for happiness a truly rewarding one.
Craving for pleasure is inherent in all of us.
We may crave for the simplest pleasures like the pleasure of enjoying a good day, seeing a rejuvenating sunrise, simple jokes, laughter shared between friends to the most complex pleasures like success in an endeavor and love.
Another factor that is crucial to your happiness is engagement.
You can find complete contentment and happiness if you are doing something that you really want to do.
However, upon being forced to do something that doesn't hold your interest, you will be unhappy.
All these elements give meaning to your life.
When you have the feeling that your existence is valued by the people around you and that you belong in this world, your life will become more meaningful and enjoyable.
When you start appreciating your life and the lives of other people around you, you will experience the feeling of genuine and absolute happiness.
Happiness is not just all about you, and neither does it arise from being perfect in front of other people.
Often, people are very conscious about how they should behave or what they should do, because of the expectations of the people around them, or the society.
Unhappiness often stems from this fact.
Happiness essentially refers to respecting and loving one's own self and others.
When you are able to strike this balance in life and are able to be at peace in your heart, you definitely can and will attain your goal of happiness.