I Feel Love Sick - Is That Normal?
Who hasn't seen the love sick cows mooing in the cartoons? The caricatures depicting what humans in love go through; they are love sick! Is love a sickness? Well.
It certainly does cause physical symptoms.
Your heart races when you see one another, your pulse races, your spirits lift and your mood is altered considerably; your energy level is on an all time high, much like you had taken a drug.
It is a heady emotion and the height of emotions for humans.
For many of us, it is addictive! When we are in love we hang onto every word the person we love says.
The slightest change in the tone of their voice or in their level of interest in us causes us to drop emotionally, much like an addict who can't get to their drug! We become filled with fear that they don't love us anymore, that we have done something wrong that somehow ended our dream.
Being apart from one another early in a love relationship feels like our heart has been ripped from our body.
All of our time is spent remembering the last time together and planning the next time.
We can stay up all night long talking, sharing and enjoying fabulous sex, pop out of bed, get to work early and smile all day long when things are going well.
Our entire body is vibrating at a much higher level of energy.
All of our sensory emotions are fine-tuned and running at high speed.
We are engaged in something wonderful and sharing it with another who totally understands.
You feel untouchable.
The highs are immeasurably high! When these emotions feel threatened, we can barely drag ourselves out of bed after ten hours of sleep; the world has turned into a dark gray place we can hardly bear to look at.
We lose our appetite and getting to work is a crap shoot.
We may make it and we may not, and we don't care either way.
Is it any wonder that we feel nauseous and ill when we believe all the wonderful emotions we have experienced in the highs are gone? Our world has bottomed out.
The lows are deep valleys.
Being in love is an emotional roller coaster! You feel the same highs when you reach the top of the hills and the same sinking, fearful emotions as the long drop begins; then wham, you hit level ground and start again.
It sounds remarkably like an illness...
and yet, it is the one emotion we all strive to find, to have and to hold and pray to God it never ends! It completes us, lifts us to new highs, helps us to become the very best we can be, and helps us bring out the best of others.
And the very best part of this is that these wonderful emotions spill out of us and affect everyone and everything we touch! It is an infectious disease if it is an illness.
Everyone wants to catch it.
Is it normal to feel sink when you are in love? If there is any threat of losing it, it is normal!
It certainly does cause physical symptoms.
Your heart races when you see one another, your pulse races, your spirits lift and your mood is altered considerably; your energy level is on an all time high, much like you had taken a drug.
It is a heady emotion and the height of emotions for humans.
For many of us, it is addictive! When we are in love we hang onto every word the person we love says.
The slightest change in the tone of their voice or in their level of interest in us causes us to drop emotionally, much like an addict who can't get to their drug! We become filled with fear that they don't love us anymore, that we have done something wrong that somehow ended our dream.
Being apart from one another early in a love relationship feels like our heart has been ripped from our body.
All of our time is spent remembering the last time together and planning the next time.
We can stay up all night long talking, sharing and enjoying fabulous sex, pop out of bed, get to work early and smile all day long when things are going well.
Our entire body is vibrating at a much higher level of energy.
All of our sensory emotions are fine-tuned and running at high speed.
We are engaged in something wonderful and sharing it with another who totally understands.
You feel untouchable.
The highs are immeasurably high! When these emotions feel threatened, we can barely drag ourselves out of bed after ten hours of sleep; the world has turned into a dark gray place we can hardly bear to look at.
We lose our appetite and getting to work is a crap shoot.
We may make it and we may not, and we don't care either way.
Is it any wonder that we feel nauseous and ill when we believe all the wonderful emotions we have experienced in the highs are gone? Our world has bottomed out.
The lows are deep valleys.
Being in love is an emotional roller coaster! You feel the same highs when you reach the top of the hills and the same sinking, fearful emotions as the long drop begins; then wham, you hit level ground and start again.
It sounds remarkably like an illness...
and yet, it is the one emotion we all strive to find, to have and to hold and pray to God it never ends! It completes us, lifts us to new highs, helps us to become the very best we can be, and helps us bring out the best of others.
And the very best part of this is that these wonderful emotions spill out of us and affect everyone and everything we touch! It is an infectious disease if it is an illness.
Everyone wants to catch it.
Is it normal to feel sink when you are in love? If there is any threat of losing it, it is normal!