Finding the Perfect Placement for Embroidered Designs
Embroidered designs can be placed anywhere on a project, and the decision of placing them randomly or with precision is a challenge in creativity
Random Placement
The best embroidery designs to use in random positioning are those that seemingly fly, leap or jump in myriad directions. A few examples include butterflies, frogs, fish, birds and geometric shapes.
Enjoy the freedom associated with this technique, but do give random positioning some thought to avoid a sloppy or too-haphazard look.
Combine designs that can be embroidered together to make one unique design. Stitch the design onto a cardigan near the hip line in place of a pocket to add visual interest to a garment.
Stitch designs onto a pocket before sewing the garment. Secure the pocket to the garment front just below the waistline, off-centering it to create a functional accent.
Randomly place fireflies on a shirt. Avoid locations that might be inappropriate, such as the bust points on a shirt.
Precise Placement
If random placement isn't for you, or it's inappropriate for your project, utilize these detailed suggestions:
Bath Linens
Stitch at the opposite end of the brand/care tag. Note: All placements refer to the center of the design area, unless otherwise stated.
Wash cloth: 1 1/2"above the hem, or 1" above the border (wash clothes with no border can also be embroidered diagonally at one comer)
Hand towel: 2" above the hem, or 1 ~" above the border
Bath towel: 4" above the hem, or 2" above the border
Bed Linens
Top sheet: centered on the lower edge 2" above the border, or centered on the border (upside down on the right side of the sheet).
Pillowcase: centered on the border
Hat: front: 1/2" above where the bill meets the cap; back: above the half-circle opening.
Shirt cuff (left sleeve only): 1/2" above the lower edge, with the design center 1 1/4" from the cuff center toward the buttonhole.
Tie: 2", or 9" to 11", from the front, lower-edge point
Dress shirt collar: back-centered 1/2" above the lower edge; front-centered 1/2" above one collar point and with 1/4" right and left "margins€.
Shirt pocket: centered between the hem and the upper edge, or in the center of the pocket
Shirt yoke: centered and 1/2" above the yoke seam
Above shirt pocket: lower edge of design should be 1" above the pocket edge
Bowling/golf shirt: first name on the front left and last name on the back right
T-shirt: 7" to 9" down from the left shoulder seam and 4" to 5" from the center
Socks: 1/2€ from the manual fold and centered on one side.
Shorts (front of left leg only): centered 1/2" above top of hem
Turtleneck: 1 1/2€ off-center (usually to the left), with the design lower edge positioned 1/2' below the manual fold, stitched on the inside of the shirt (when folded down, the design will be revealed. Likely limited to a 1" diameter design.
Sweatshirts: centered 3" to 4" below the neck edge is the most common placement for embroidered sweatshirts
Back of garment: centered 5" below the neck edge
Robe: 7" to 9" below the left shoulder seam
Random Placement
The best embroidery designs to use in random positioning are those that seemingly fly, leap or jump in myriad directions. A few examples include butterflies, frogs, fish, birds and geometric shapes.
Enjoy the freedom associated with this technique, but do give random positioning some thought to avoid a sloppy or too-haphazard look.
Combine designs that can be embroidered together to make one unique design. Stitch the design onto a cardigan near the hip line in place of a pocket to add visual interest to a garment.
Stitch designs onto a pocket before sewing the garment. Secure the pocket to the garment front just below the waistline, off-centering it to create a functional accent.
Randomly place fireflies on a shirt. Avoid locations that might be inappropriate, such as the bust points on a shirt.
Precise Placement
If random placement isn't for you, or it's inappropriate for your project, utilize these detailed suggestions:
Bath Linens
Stitch at the opposite end of the brand/care tag. Note: All placements refer to the center of the design area, unless otherwise stated.
Wash cloth: 1 1/2"above the hem, or 1" above the border (wash clothes with no border can also be embroidered diagonally at one comer)
Hand towel: 2" above the hem, or 1 ~" above the border
Bath towel: 4" above the hem, or 2" above the border
Bed Linens
Top sheet: centered on the lower edge 2" above the border, or centered on the border (upside down on the right side of the sheet).
Pillowcase: centered on the border
Hat: front: 1/2" above where the bill meets the cap; back: above the half-circle opening.
Shirt cuff (left sleeve only): 1/2" above the lower edge, with the design center 1 1/4" from the cuff center toward the buttonhole.
Tie: 2", or 9" to 11", from the front, lower-edge point
Dress shirt collar: back-centered 1/2" above the lower edge; front-centered 1/2" above one collar point and with 1/4" right and left "margins€.
Shirt pocket: centered between the hem and the upper edge, or in the center of the pocket
Shirt yoke: centered and 1/2" above the yoke seam
Above shirt pocket: lower edge of design should be 1" above the pocket edge
Bowling/golf shirt: first name on the front left and last name on the back right
T-shirt: 7" to 9" down from the left shoulder seam and 4" to 5" from the center
Socks: 1/2€ from the manual fold and centered on one side.
Shorts (front of left leg only): centered 1/2" above top of hem
Turtleneck: 1 1/2€ off-center (usually to the left), with the design lower edge positioned 1/2' below the manual fold, stitched on the inside of the shirt (when folded down, the design will be revealed. Likely limited to a 1" diameter design.
Sweatshirts: centered 3" to 4" below the neck edge is the most common placement for embroidered sweatshirts
Back of garment: centered 5" below the neck edge
Robe: 7" to 9" below the left shoulder seam