How to Explain Determination in a School Paper
- 1). Consider your audience. Think about who you are writing to before you start your essay, and tailor the contents to this audience. If you are writing to a younger audience you may want to reference contemporary figures they relate to, such as athletes. If writing to an older audience, making reference to historical figures may prove more effective.
- 2). Prewrite to organize your ideas. Create a web with "determination" at the center. Draw arms off this center, and write down thoughts, related to determination, that come into your mind. For example, you may put "Harriet Tubman" on one of your arms, as she was a very determined individual who you could discuss in your paper. Use these tidbits to craft your paper.
- 3). Define determination. Don't assume that your audience knows what determination means, but instead clearly define it for them. You do not have to include a word-for-word dictionary definition, although you can, if you wish.
- 4). Describe a determined individual. List the characteristics that make up a determined person. Things like courage, confidence and reliability may make your list. After each item in your list, explain why this item is characteristic of someone who is determined.
- 5). Discuss several important people who demonstrate determination. Include celebrities, historical figures or inspiring individuals who have overcome obstacles. As you discuss each individual, reference your list of characteristics, and explain which of these characteristics each person embodied.
- 6). Integrate a quote. Search for a quote related to determination in an anthology of quotations, and use this quote in your essay.
- 7). Add a personalized account. By giving a first person account of determination, you can show your readers an example of determination in everyday life and make it clear that you don't have to be a gifted or remarkable person to be determined.
- 8). Conclude with a restatement of the most important points. In a concise concluding paragraph, reference your most compelling and important essay points. Make your last sentence as strong as possible, as this is the final thing your reader will see and it should create a lasting impression.