Dark Green Fungus on Centipede Grass
- Fairy ring is a likely fungal infection of centipedegrass caused by numerous fungi including Agrocybe pediades, Marasmius oreades and Lepiota spp. The disease is common to all turfgrass varieties.
- The disease is characterized by the appearance of dark green, circular to semi-circular areas on infected grass ranging in diameter from a few inches to several feet. The infected areas often have mushrooms or areas of dead grass within them. Affected areas appear slightly depressed due to dying grass. The disease is spread by fungal spores.
- Poorly fertilized and insufficiently irrigated grass is more susceptible to fairy ring. Avoid buildup of thatch as this also promotes fungal growth. Remove infected grass with roots to minimize spread of disease. Rake and dispose of mushrooms. Chemical control options include applications of azoxystrobin and flutolanil fungicides.