Enriching The Community With Local Youth Sports
There are few things that can bring a community closer than the support of local youth sports.
Joining your friends and neighbors in the cheering on of our young athletes can galvanize a community by the spreading of the message that the health of our youth is alive and well.
Despite the good will and healthier development of our children through local youth sports our childrens well being is under attack. Fueled by poor diet, video games and improper supervision our children are unhealthier now than they ever have been before.
It is Time for Communities to Fight Back
Now is the time for small and large communities to fight back against the obesity epidemic by reinforcing the importance that local youth sports plays in our childrens lives.
Winning Does not Matter
Too often our children are driven away from a sport due to the misplaced emphasis on winning. This approach does not help our children as a whole stay healthy. Instead our children need to learn that winning is only a byproduct of teamwork. Each child should feel that they play an intricate role in their teams success no matter their skill level. Further our children should be rewarded for their hard work with ample playing time in a competitive setting. This will send a message to the children that no matter their skill level if they continue to work hard they will continue to improve.
Let the Coachs Coach
Too many times we have read about parents involving themselves negatively in the coaching of local youth sports. Parents must separate themselves from the coaching of a sport as the emotion surrounding their child can cloud their judgment on what is in the best interest of the team.
Children learn from the actions of their parents. They learn the values of sportsmanship and professionalism from watching how their parents react to certain situations. If our parents are doing anything more than positively supporting all of the childrens hard work they are doing too much.
The Game Should be Fun at all Costs
It should be the primary focus of any youth sports coach to ensure that their athletes have fun playing the game. This will ensure the childs continued participation for years to come. As a result, our children will be healthier and happier.
With our nations health at stake the important of local sports activities has become essential. When attending such an event be sure to spread the goodwill and camaraderie which should be the basis of any sports activity.
Joining your friends and neighbors in the cheering on of our young athletes can galvanize a community by the spreading of the message that the health of our youth is alive and well.
Despite the good will and healthier development of our children through local youth sports our childrens well being is under attack. Fueled by poor diet, video games and improper supervision our children are unhealthier now than they ever have been before.
It is Time for Communities to Fight Back
Now is the time for small and large communities to fight back against the obesity epidemic by reinforcing the importance that local youth sports plays in our childrens lives.
Winning Does not Matter
Too often our children are driven away from a sport due to the misplaced emphasis on winning. This approach does not help our children as a whole stay healthy. Instead our children need to learn that winning is only a byproduct of teamwork. Each child should feel that they play an intricate role in their teams success no matter their skill level. Further our children should be rewarded for their hard work with ample playing time in a competitive setting. This will send a message to the children that no matter their skill level if they continue to work hard they will continue to improve.
Let the Coachs Coach
Too many times we have read about parents involving themselves negatively in the coaching of local youth sports. Parents must separate themselves from the coaching of a sport as the emotion surrounding their child can cloud their judgment on what is in the best interest of the team.
Children learn from the actions of their parents. They learn the values of sportsmanship and professionalism from watching how their parents react to certain situations. If our parents are doing anything more than positively supporting all of the childrens hard work they are doing too much.
The Game Should be Fun at all Costs
It should be the primary focus of any youth sports coach to ensure that their athletes have fun playing the game. This will ensure the childs continued participation for years to come. As a result, our children will be healthier and happier.
With our nations health at stake the important of local sports activities has become essential. When attending such an event be sure to spread the goodwill and camaraderie which should be the basis of any sports activity.