What Types of Clothing Do Puerto Ricans Wear?
- Like most westerners, Puerto Ricans like to put on jeans and a T-shirt to relax, dress up for parties, wear a uniform when it is required or wear business attire whenever appropriate.
- Old customs permitted men to wear straw hats and tough cotton shirts and pants to the fields for labor. Women wore regular dresses and aprons, with their hair up in a turban. If a person was wealthy, her garments would mimic the style of colonial-era Spain.
- Though followers of Western cultural trends, Puerto Ricans are still conservative when it comes to taking a trip to town. Going to town is an occasion and a person must dress respectably.
- Women are rarely seen without jewelry, especially earrings and bracelets. The tradition is most likely passed down by the Native American Taino.
- Men also wear a Puerto Rican dress shirt called the guayabera. Most are made of cotton; the more fine shirts made with pineapple fiber. A guayabera is usually pastel in color and has embroideries running vertically and on both sides.
Western ware
The Classes and Colonial Times
Vamos a la Tienda--Let's Go to the Store
Bling Bling
Guayavera or Guayabera or Guallavera