Agreement Will Not Use Would and Good Couple Book
Agreement will not use would and good couple boOK is the this on them is over chop the vegetables bus terminal from this is wonderful raised the pool handed old from one little with us blazed will one 158 think it will ones to this month we'll see how it loOKs like it is just did at this point %um on you simply the I them the board and these guys mix appeals to exude it's not unusual for you spaces rules to those a ripple a.m. home no going to head should home at home OK there you have it is MIDI Jan everything to a spiritual experience you couldn't sad dam this picture think turn min home will be sent to you two days PKC good weak showings well up good OK up Wed me any questions after the stage the alleged mean thank you don't and schism did me the best things that make percent to meet them theme from the well I'm politely wired here so if I something happens in Oct I apologize I really am delighted to have an opportunity to talk about what I see is health care reform and which is sort of like getting in front of an audience and saying your going to talk about politics or religion which are the two things you should never do but the twist I'm Christine alluded toys what I really want to talk about is what's wrong with health care.
Less about kind of insurance reform which is where I think a lot of the dialogue has been and I don't know that everyone's really aware the statistics I am but they're pretty ominous so if you measure the quality of health care in the United States objectively infant mortality rates cancer death rates longevity likelihood have an MRI all the things that you can measure United States is 37 so and you know the movie sick Michael Moore he said Cuba was better than us what hews wrong Cuba is 38 that makes you feel any better I'm where we are leading is in cost and I'm we're actually not first in cost were second the number one in cost is the Marshall Islands and that's where we tested the nuclear bomb during World War Two up so I think you know this is kind of want to thosehouston we have a problem. moments we ought to be able to do a lot better than we're doing this just shows that graphically that and the United States spends close to eight thousand dollars per person on.
Health care relative to a pool have developed countries that all objectively measure better thanes in terms the help with their citizens we spend twice as much and I'm so we're not getting our return on our investment in our Howard managing health care in this country I am I can't separate that in the kind of three categories one is we pay people more we charge more for devices we charge more for drugs so there's that bucket then there's middle bucket that's kind of the friction in the system we have insurance companies in the middle and that they have to make money too so all the frictional aspects of our health care system are another cost the third which is the biggest bucket is really how are we delivering care it's the quality piece and I actually think fifteen xtreme nitro hundred dollars is an underestimate we have enormous potential even if we don't make progress in the top two which I hope we do in the bottom piece overuse of testing under use a the best protocols for care the cost it's.
Less about kind of insurance reform which is where I think a lot of the dialogue has been and I don't know that everyone's really aware the statistics I am but they're pretty ominous so if you measure the quality of health care in the United States objectively infant mortality rates cancer death rates longevity likelihood have an MRI all the things that you can measure United States is 37 so and you know the movie sick Michael Moore he said Cuba was better than us what hews wrong Cuba is 38 that makes you feel any better I'm where we are leading is in cost and I'm we're actually not first in cost were second the number one in cost is the Marshall Islands and that's where we tested the nuclear bomb during World War Two up so I think you know this is kind of want to thosehouston we have a problem. moments we ought to be able to do a lot better than we're doing this just shows that graphically that and the United States spends close to eight thousand dollars per person on.
Health care relative to a pool have developed countries that all objectively measure better thanes in terms the help with their citizens we spend twice as much and I'm so we're not getting our return on our investment in our Howard managing health care in this country I am I can't separate that in the kind of three categories one is we pay people more we charge more for devices we charge more for drugs so there's that bucket then there's middle bucket that's kind of the friction in the system we have insurance companies in the middle and that they have to make money too so all the frictional aspects of our health care system are another cost the third which is the biggest bucket is really how are we delivering care it's the quality piece and I actually think fifteen xtreme nitro hundred dollars is an underestimate we have enormous potential even if we don't make progress in the top two which I hope we do in the bottom piece overuse of testing under use a the best protocols for care the cost it's.