6 Great Ways To Naturally Boost Metabolism
Every day at 3:17 PM I looked at the clock on my computer. That particular time meant I was starting to run short on energy. My motivation to work all but evaporated and all I wanted to do was sneak into the darkness under my desk and snooze. If you feel the same you also babystep the rest of the day like a zombie. You want to order dinner because you don't have the desire to make it and you allow the kids pretty much anything just so you can veg out on the couch. There's a sink full of dishes to be done, but you'll probably wait til tomorrow so you can fall into bed for what you hope is a decent sleep. This probably sounds familiar, right?
The good news is that you don't have to remain tired and unproductive. There are several easy, natural ways to increase energy levels and break out of the cycle of lethargy that binds you. Read on to see a few of the small and simple steps you can take to recharge and reclaim your life.
1. How and when you eat can drastically affect your energy levels. Try breaking your meals into several snack-sized portions and spread them throughout the day - eat every 2 hours or so. Protein rich foods such as nuts and eggs are great for increasing your energy. They're also excellent brain food, so by eating them you maintain and perhaps even improve memory and concentration.
2. Caffeine and sugar can actually hurt your performance. Both help you feel better in the short term, but because the crash will inevitably come, your energy levels will most likely be even lower than before. If you need caffeine or sugary goodness, have it in the morning to avoid the crash before dinner. Save your afternoon for energy maintenance.
3. A multi-vitamin can go a long way towards balancing your nutritional needs and they help your immune system. Fiber supplements work to control blood sugar and keep you regular. They also help you feel full for longer after you eat, so instead of thinking about food, you'll be waist deep in that spreadsheet you need to concentrate on.
4. Sleep is vital to renewing your energy levels. I'll take quality over quantity any day of the week, so get to know your sleep habits. Do everything you can to ensure that your sleep is productive in recharging those internal batteries.
5. Did you ever notice that when you get stressed or angry, your internal "wick" burns faster? After an emotional discussion with your spouse or a hard, stressful day's work do you feel tired? Your emotions play a huge part in your level of energy. Try to maintain your emotional stability and you'll find your energy levels will even out.
6. Stretch. Every hour or so, get up from your desk to stretch or take a walk. This will release the toxins that build up when you're motionless and allow you to distress your body. Be sure to drink lots of water during the day to help flush those toxins out.
To increase your energy levels, start with one of the tips here and add more as you feel more comfortable. In no time you'll see that there is a way out of the inertia and into an energetic and healthy lifestyle.
The good news is that you don't have to remain tired and unproductive. There are several easy, natural ways to increase energy levels and break out of the cycle of lethargy that binds you. Read on to see a few of the small and simple steps you can take to recharge and reclaim your life.
1. How and when you eat can drastically affect your energy levels. Try breaking your meals into several snack-sized portions and spread them throughout the day - eat every 2 hours or so. Protein rich foods such as nuts and eggs are great for increasing your energy. They're also excellent brain food, so by eating them you maintain and perhaps even improve memory and concentration.
2. Caffeine and sugar can actually hurt your performance. Both help you feel better in the short term, but because the crash will inevitably come, your energy levels will most likely be even lower than before. If you need caffeine or sugary goodness, have it in the morning to avoid the crash before dinner. Save your afternoon for energy maintenance.
3. A multi-vitamin can go a long way towards balancing your nutritional needs and they help your immune system. Fiber supplements work to control blood sugar and keep you regular. They also help you feel full for longer after you eat, so instead of thinking about food, you'll be waist deep in that spreadsheet you need to concentrate on.
4. Sleep is vital to renewing your energy levels. I'll take quality over quantity any day of the week, so get to know your sleep habits. Do everything you can to ensure that your sleep is productive in recharging those internal batteries.
5. Did you ever notice that when you get stressed or angry, your internal "wick" burns faster? After an emotional discussion with your spouse or a hard, stressful day's work do you feel tired? Your emotions play a huge part in your level of energy. Try to maintain your emotional stability and you'll find your energy levels will even out.
6. Stretch. Every hour or so, get up from your desk to stretch or take a walk. This will release the toxins that build up when you're motionless and allow you to distress your body. Be sure to drink lots of water during the day to help flush those toxins out.
To increase your energy levels, start with one of the tips here and add more as you feel more comfortable. In no time you'll see that there is a way out of the inertia and into an energetic and healthy lifestyle.