How to Make an Olive Wreath
- 1). Cut soft branches of greenery 18 to 24 inches long. If you don't have access to an olive tree, choose greenery that has small oval leaves.
- 2). Wrap the branches around the head. Start the greenery at the forehead and wrap the branches around the head so that the wreath sits straight on the head.
- 3). Remove the crown from the head.
- 4). Secure the ends of the branches with hot glue.
- 1). Cut 24 oval shaped leaves 1 ½ inch long from the green craft foam.
- 2). Draw veins on the leaves with the permanent marker, if desired.
- 3). Lay a leaf on one end of the headband so that it hangs off the end of the band. Use hot glue to secure the leaf in place. Place the base of a second leaf just behind the base of the first leaf so that one end hangs off one side of the band. Place the base of the third leaf just behind the base of the second with the end of the leaf hanging off the opposite side of the headband. Keep alternating the leaves until you reach the center of the band.
- 4). Repeat with the other side of the headband.
- 5). Glue a single leaf at the center point where the two sides meet.
- 6). Place the headband on the back of the head so that the ends of the headband touch the temples.
Full Natural Wreath
Open Artificial Wreath