Typical Techniques for Garden Mole Control
To free your beautiful backyard from the damaging acts of moles, you will have to come up with a garden mole control technique that will ultimately get rid of them. The holes that they create in your garden have made your once beautifully landscaped yard a very hideous and unkempt look. The holes that they have dug up not only serve as their home; it is also a way for them to get their food.
If you are one of those homeowners who have spent precious time and effort just to make your yard presentable and beautiful; you are in for heartbreak once you discover just how damaging the tunneling activities of garden moles are. Seeing the aftermath will give you the feeling that everything you invested just went down the drain.
To make matters worse, a surefire one-time technique has never been discovered that will totally and permanently get rid of the moles. Once you have tried all the possible remedies to no avail, you are left to take the final option of actually just living with them and somehow live with the idea that they will be in your landscaping for a long time.
In the many years that homeowners have dealt with these pesky critters, a significant number of home fixes that hold promises of mole eradication have made their way to the Internet, television, and even in print media. These included the use of red pepper, pickle juice, camphor, and bleach, among others. Much to everyone's dismay, none of these garden mole control techniques delivered.
Castor oil granules is one of the home remedies for garden moles but what set it apart from all the others is that it has actually worked for some homeowners. There are actually no studies or research that will back this up, but trying it out will not hurt and it is very cheap to buy. Using insecticides to kill what moles feed on will only push them to create more tunnels in search for food. Moles also eat earthworms and many other varieties of bugs, so you are not exactly killing them with this method either.
Poisons are generally grain-based. Using this as a bait to kill the moles is deemed useless since these creatures do not eat grains. They could accidentally ingest the poison but this will only be a very rare occurrence. Another downside with this mole control method is that you will have a hard time knowing if the grains were able to penetrate the tunnels. In order confirm this; you will have to dig up the tunnels as well as a large portion of your yard.
Using traps seems to be that one effective method that will almost always capture moles. As long as you install and apply the traps properly, you will soon be seeing these pests dangling from the scissor like apparatus. You just have to make sure that the trap has no trace of human scent and have been aptly positioned near an active hill in a main tunnel. You just have to properly and regularly do this garden mole control method and all that you will need to do is to sit and wait for the traps to capture these garden destroyers.
If you are one of those homeowners who have spent precious time and effort just to make your yard presentable and beautiful; you are in for heartbreak once you discover just how damaging the tunneling activities of garden moles are. Seeing the aftermath will give you the feeling that everything you invested just went down the drain.
To make matters worse, a surefire one-time technique has never been discovered that will totally and permanently get rid of the moles. Once you have tried all the possible remedies to no avail, you are left to take the final option of actually just living with them and somehow live with the idea that they will be in your landscaping for a long time.
In the many years that homeowners have dealt with these pesky critters, a significant number of home fixes that hold promises of mole eradication have made their way to the Internet, television, and even in print media. These included the use of red pepper, pickle juice, camphor, and bleach, among others. Much to everyone's dismay, none of these garden mole control techniques delivered.
Castor oil granules is one of the home remedies for garden moles but what set it apart from all the others is that it has actually worked for some homeowners. There are actually no studies or research that will back this up, but trying it out will not hurt and it is very cheap to buy. Using insecticides to kill what moles feed on will only push them to create more tunnels in search for food. Moles also eat earthworms and many other varieties of bugs, so you are not exactly killing them with this method either.
Poisons are generally grain-based. Using this as a bait to kill the moles is deemed useless since these creatures do not eat grains. They could accidentally ingest the poison but this will only be a very rare occurrence. Another downside with this mole control method is that you will have a hard time knowing if the grains were able to penetrate the tunnels. In order confirm this; you will have to dig up the tunnels as well as a large portion of your yard.
Using traps seems to be that one effective method that will almost always capture moles. As long as you install and apply the traps properly, you will soon be seeing these pests dangling from the scissor like apparatus. You just have to make sure that the trap has no trace of human scent and have been aptly positioned near an active hill in a main tunnel. You just have to properly and regularly do this garden mole control method and all that you will need to do is to sit and wait for the traps to capture these garden destroyers.