Know What"s on Your Skin
Ordinary body creams come in economy sized bottles full of inactive and sometimes hazardous ingredients.
In order to make body lotion and creams affordable, without sacrificing their advertising budget, the big-name brands like Unilever and Pond's look for the cheapest, instead of the best ingredients.
If you want effective body creams that will heal the roughest and driest patches on your body, without causing excessive greasiness on the rest, you want something different.
There is one company that has some revolutionary ideas about what skincare products can and should do.
Body lotion and creams can help reduce old scars, fade stretch marks, soothe irritation, reduce inflammation, increase firmness and help prevent skin-cancer.
Most people focus on their faces and the beauty of the face is undeniably the first thing that people notice.
But, some of us would like to be beautiful all over.
Here's a little bit about some effective ingredients that can help.
oVitamin B-5-helps to repair tissue damage and acts as a natural moisturizer, protects against sunburn and enhances tanning.
oGrape seed oil-shown to reduce stretch marks.
oJojoba oil-also shown to reduce stretch marks, as well as lighten scars, treat acne, relieve psoriasis and restore the moisture balance.
oOlive oil--body lotion and creams containing olive oil penetrate deeply to hydrate and rejuvenate.
oManuka honey-proven to have antibacterial and antioxidant activity, effective for treating acne, eczema and psoriasis.
oWakame kelp--body creams containing this kind of seaweed have been shown to protect protein levels and protect against UV radiation and pollution.
oCoenzyme Q10 and natural vitamin E-antioxidants that prevent and repair free radical damage, provide protection from UV radiation and fade wrinkles.
oCYNERGY TK-a patented compound that contains a naturally occurring protein peptide that has been shown to increase firmness, reduce inflammation and have unique antioxidant activity.
How much would you expect to pay for body lotion and creams that contain all of these ingredients? Wouldn't you rather pay more for something that is really effective? The cosmetic companies have had their way with us for long enough.
Over the years, I've bought hundreds of different lotions and ended up throwing them under the bathroom sink.
Eventually, they ended up in the garbage.
Often, it was the added fragrance that got to me.
I learned to look for unscented body creams, but I learned that unscented does not mean "free of added fragrances".
Reading an ingredients label is like trying to decipher a chemistry book.
I can do it, but I don't think that I should have to.
Companies should be required to "spell it all out" for us, but there are no such requirements and I doubt there ever will be.
Finally I found body lotion and creams containing the ingredients mentioned above that are free of artificial preservatives and added fragrances.
As strange as it may seem, the body creams are made by the company I buy my health supplements from.
You might want to make a change for the better.
In order to make body lotion and creams affordable, without sacrificing their advertising budget, the big-name brands like Unilever and Pond's look for the cheapest, instead of the best ingredients.
If you want effective body creams that will heal the roughest and driest patches on your body, without causing excessive greasiness on the rest, you want something different.
There is one company that has some revolutionary ideas about what skincare products can and should do.
Body lotion and creams can help reduce old scars, fade stretch marks, soothe irritation, reduce inflammation, increase firmness and help prevent skin-cancer.
Most people focus on their faces and the beauty of the face is undeniably the first thing that people notice.
But, some of us would like to be beautiful all over.
Here's a little bit about some effective ingredients that can help.
oVitamin B-5-helps to repair tissue damage and acts as a natural moisturizer, protects against sunburn and enhances tanning.
oGrape seed oil-shown to reduce stretch marks.
oJojoba oil-also shown to reduce stretch marks, as well as lighten scars, treat acne, relieve psoriasis and restore the moisture balance.
oOlive oil--body lotion and creams containing olive oil penetrate deeply to hydrate and rejuvenate.
oManuka honey-proven to have antibacterial and antioxidant activity, effective for treating acne, eczema and psoriasis.
oWakame kelp--body creams containing this kind of seaweed have been shown to protect protein levels and protect against UV radiation and pollution.
oCoenzyme Q10 and natural vitamin E-antioxidants that prevent and repair free radical damage, provide protection from UV radiation and fade wrinkles.
oCYNERGY TK-a patented compound that contains a naturally occurring protein peptide that has been shown to increase firmness, reduce inflammation and have unique antioxidant activity.
How much would you expect to pay for body lotion and creams that contain all of these ingredients? Wouldn't you rather pay more for something that is really effective? The cosmetic companies have had their way with us for long enough.
Over the years, I've bought hundreds of different lotions and ended up throwing them under the bathroom sink.
Eventually, they ended up in the garbage.
Often, it was the added fragrance that got to me.
I learned to look for unscented body creams, but I learned that unscented does not mean "free of added fragrances".
Reading an ingredients label is like trying to decipher a chemistry book.
I can do it, but I don't think that I should have to.
Companies should be required to "spell it all out" for us, but there are no such requirements and I doubt there ever will be.
Finally I found body lotion and creams containing the ingredients mentioned above that are free of artificial preservatives and added fragrances.
As strange as it may seem, the body creams are made by the company I buy my health supplements from.
You might want to make a change for the better.