How To Play A Continuation Bet The Right Way In 3 Easy Steps
Once you've started playing Texas Hold Em, learning how to play a continuation bet can be as valuable as it can be fun.
Read this article to learn why now.
You'll find in Texas Hold Em that there are many slang words and terms that mean all kinds of things.
First you have to learn to play the game, that's one thing.
Then you have to learn this whole new world on top of that.
A continuation bet is a bet that is made after the flop that 'continues on' your bet or bets pre-flop.
It's usually referred to in the sense of a player being aggressive pre-flop, then missing the flop, but then betting anyway to look as if he did hit.
The continuation bet is probably one of the most commonly known bluffs around.
And it is just that; a bluff.
It really is one of the best bluffs you can play that will likely bring you the best wins.
Although the continuation bet is risky it can still be very profitable if implemented correctly.
You can do it in or out of position but as always you will be able to do it more safely from position of your opponent isn't showing aggression.
Step 1: You can perform the continuation bet if you were aggressive pre-flop or even if you just called but it will be more effective if you bet out.
You'll also get added effect if you were the first to raise pre-flop.
Step 2: After the flop has dropped, and you miss it, bet out aggressively.
That is the essence of the continuation bet.
Some key points to ensure you don't get beaten are:
Remember you are pretending you matched with the flop well.
If you go for a continuation and your opponent raises back aggressively it's most often better to just lay down your cards.
Unless you really know what you are doing it's just better to cut your losses.
With this being said you'll make more with the winnings from using the continuation bets than you will from the losses of the small amount of times you have to back down, so don't worry.
Read this article to learn why now.
You'll find in Texas Hold Em that there are many slang words and terms that mean all kinds of things.
First you have to learn to play the game, that's one thing.
Then you have to learn this whole new world on top of that.
A continuation bet is a bet that is made after the flop that 'continues on' your bet or bets pre-flop.
It's usually referred to in the sense of a player being aggressive pre-flop, then missing the flop, but then betting anyway to look as if he did hit.
The continuation bet is probably one of the most commonly known bluffs around.
And it is just that; a bluff.
It really is one of the best bluffs you can play that will likely bring you the best wins.
Although the continuation bet is risky it can still be very profitable if implemented correctly.
You can do it in or out of position but as always you will be able to do it more safely from position of your opponent isn't showing aggression.
Step 1: You can perform the continuation bet if you were aggressive pre-flop or even if you just called but it will be more effective if you bet out.
You'll also get added effect if you were the first to raise pre-flop.
Step 2: After the flop has dropped, and you miss it, bet out aggressively.
That is the essence of the continuation bet.
Some key points to ensure you don't get beaten are:
- Make sure the flop isn't paired
- Make sure the flop doesn't contain a likely straight draw
- Make sure the flop doesn't have a likely flush draw
- Keep an eye out for other probable scare cards.
If you're up against a tight opponent and the flop has an ace, king or queen you would be very wary.
Remember you are pretending you matched with the flop well.
If you go for a continuation and your opponent raises back aggressively it's most often better to just lay down your cards.
Unless you really know what you are doing it's just better to cut your losses.
With this being said you'll make more with the winnings from using the continuation bets than you will from the losses of the small amount of times you have to back down, so don't worry.