Understanding Anxiety Disorders and Their Symptoms
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.
, affecting 20% of adults.
Depression, anxiety, panic, trauma are components of anxiety disorders.
When worry and fear interfere with someone's normal functioning, it's an anxiety disorder.
Some people can be more or less affected than others.
What Are The Symptoms of Panic Attacks? One of the most common symptoms of anxiety disorders is panic attacks, which are intense periods of fear or feeling down.
Panic attacks can develop over a very short time frame and they can last up to 15 minutes.
Panic attacks are associated with experiencing at least four of the following symptoms: * Heart palpitations * Chest pain * Sense of choking * Dizziness * Sweating * Trembling * Shortness of breath * Fear of death * Nausea * Feeling detached from the world * Numbness * Paralyzing fear * Chills * Hot flashes What About Generalized Anxiety? Unlike panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorders usually last a period of at least 6 months.
Generalized anxiety involves excessive or unrealistic worry associated with at least 3 of the following symptoms: * Restlessness * Sleep disturbances * Difficulty concentrating * Irritability or explosive anger * Difficulty keeping concentration * Being paranoid * Personality changes (becoming less social) * Avoiding activities, places, or people * Lack of energy most of or all of the time * Muscle tension What Causes Anxiety Disorders? Anxiety disorders are usually a side effect of stress, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, drugs, or prescription and nonprescription medicines, although they can also be hereditary or caused by brain injuries.
Anxiety disorders can be so severe for some people that they can't function in society or perform regular daily tasks.
That is when prescription medication for anxiety is suggested.
Medication can act as a scaffold to help a patient cope with their anxiety and function in society until they are ready to learn how to naturally overcome their anxiety disorder.
What About Anxiety Treatment? I personally feel that for most cases of anxiety disorders medication is not suggested.
Anxiety can be treated without it.
Anxiety has to do with how you think.
You CAN control how you think and what you think about.
It just takes the proper instruction and the desire to change yourself.
There are numerous courses, downloads, and podcasts you can find on the internet that will teach you the natural methods that I and many others have used to overcome anxiety and stress.
Just make sure that you apply what you learn.
Good luck on your journey towards health and wellness!
, affecting 20% of adults.
Depression, anxiety, panic, trauma are components of anxiety disorders.
When worry and fear interfere with someone's normal functioning, it's an anxiety disorder.
Some people can be more or less affected than others.
What Are The Symptoms of Panic Attacks? One of the most common symptoms of anxiety disorders is panic attacks, which are intense periods of fear or feeling down.
Panic attacks can develop over a very short time frame and they can last up to 15 minutes.
Panic attacks are associated with experiencing at least four of the following symptoms: * Heart palpitations * Chest pain * Sense of choking * Dizziness * Sweating * Trembling * Shortness of breath * Fear of death * Nausea * Feeling detached from the world * Numbness * Paralyzing fear * Chills * Hot flashes What About Generalized Anxiety? Unlike panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorders usually last a period of at least 6 months.
Generalized anxiety involves excessive or unrealistic worry associated with at least 3 of the following symptoms: * Restlessness * Sleep disturbances * Difficulty concentrating * Irritability or explosive anger * Difficulty keeping concentration * Being paranoid * Personality changes (becoming less social) * Avoiding activities, places, or people * Lack of energy most of or all of the time * Muscle tension What Causes Anxiety Disorders? Anxiety disorders are usually a side effect of stress, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, drugs, or prescription and nonprescription medicines, although they can also be hereditary or caused by brain injuries.
Anxiety disorders can be so severe for some people that they can't function in society or perform regular daily tasks.
That is when prescription medication for anxiety is suggested.
Medication can act as a scaffold to help a patient cope with their anxiety and function in society until they are ready to learn how to naturally overcome their anxiety disorder.
What About Anxiety Treatment? I personally feel that for most cases of anxiety disorders medication is not suggested.
Anxiety can be treated without it.
Anxiety has to do with how you think.
You CAN control how you think and what you think about.
It just takes the proper instruction and the desire to change yourself.
There are numerous courses, downloads, and podcasts you can find on the internet that will teach you the natural methods that I and many others have used to overcome anxiety and stress.
Just make sure that you apply what you learn.
Good luck on your journey towards health and wellness!