What Are The Causes of Anxiety and Panic Attacks?
There are many causes of anxiety.
The causes fall into genetic, environmental or brain chemistry categories.
This really covers a wide spectrum when trying to diagnose anxiety.
None of them are inclusive and not all are definitive indicators if you will suffer anxiety.
They are a guide line for a doctor to follow.
The genetic causes of anxiety are passed on through the family.
If one of your parents had anxiety it stands to reason you might have it also.
Did your mother worry excessively over little things that she couldn't change? Do you find yourself doing the same things? Maybe it wasn't your parent but a grandparent that worried about things excessively.
This is an indication that you might have anxiety at some point in your life.
Its not written in stone that you will, just that you might have it.
Anxiety has been show indifferentlevels of neurotransmitters in the brain.
These neurotransmitters can't function in their movement of messages from one nerve cell to another if they are out of balance.
This causes anxiety because the brain is not functioning properly to handle the messages it receives.
When the nerves receive the proper message at the proper time a persons mind works on an even level and the body along with the mind are in balance.
Which makes it easier to deal with the stress of everyday life.
The environmental causes of anxiety can be the loss of a loved one or even moving to a new home.
The mind starts to worry excessively about factors that can't be changed or even those that are so small to not effect other people.
The causes of anxiety in our environment willbe triggered by stress.
The stress causes abnormal reactions to everyday things.
The littlest thing can cause stress in some people thus creating one of the many causes of anxiety.
If you find that a loss in your life causes you to feel over whelmed to the point of not functioning everyday then you might have anxiety.
The causes of anxiety are not written in stone and they cover a broad spectrum from brain chemistry to environment to genetics.
Each of these can be a contributing factor or the root cause of anxiety.
Each one must be looked at to discover the problem and how to deal with it.
The causes of anxiety do not mean a person can't learn to live a well rounded life.
The causes fall into genetic, environmental or brain chemistry categories.
This really covers a wide spectrum when trying to diagnose anxiety.
None of them are inclusive and not all are definitive indicators if you will suffer anxiety.
They are a guide line for a doctor to follow.
The genetic causes of anxiety are passed on through the family.
If one of your parents had anxiety it stands to reason you might have it also.
Did your mother worry excessively over little things that she couldn't change? Do you find yourself doing the same things? Maybe it wasn't your parent but a grandparent that worried about things excessively.
This is an indication that you might have anxiety at some point in your life.
Its not written in stone that you will, just that you might have it.
Anxiety has been show indifferentlevels of neurotransmitters in the brain.
These neurotransmitters can't function in their movement of messages from one nerve cell to another if they are out of balance.
This causes anxiety because the brain is not functioning properly to handle the messages it receives.
When the nerves receive the proper message at the proper time a persons mind works on an even level and the body along with the mind are in balance.
Which makes it easier to deal with the stress of everyday life.
The environmental causes of anxiety can be the loss of a loved one or even moving to a new home.
The mind starts to worry excessively about factors that can't be changed or even those that are so small to not effect other people.
The causes of anxiety in our environment willbe triggered by stress.
The stress causes abnormal reactions to everyday things.
The littlest thing can cause stress in some people thus creating one of the many causes of anxiety.
If you find that a loss in your life causes you to feel over whelmed to the point of not functioning everyday then you might have anxiety.
The causes of anxiety are not written in stone and they cover a broad spectrum from brain chemistry to environment to genetics.
Each of these can be a contributing factor or the root cause of anxiety.
Each one must be looked at to discover the problem and how to deal with it.
The causes of anxiety do not mean a person can't learn to live a well rounded life.