When to Sow Foxglove Seeds Directly in the Ground
- In nature, seeds drop to the ground when they are mature and ready to start growing. The seeds are dropped from the parent, leaving them uncovered at a time when they will have at least six weeks of growing time before frost. This tells the gardener that this is the perfect time to direct sow seeds.
- You can wait around until the blooms fade and the seed pods split open to get the seeds, or you can just purchase them at a gardening center. For best results, use a soil-less medium, which holds just the right moisture for optimal germination, barely cover the seeds and set them on top of your refrigerator. It's warm there, without many drafts. Check it every 24 hours; as soon as the seeds have germinated, set them in a bright spot and let them grow.
- The seed pods grow along the bottom of the branch.foxglove flower s image by hazel proudlove from Fotolia.com
When you see the foxglove blossoms going by and seed pods beginning to appear, you can greatly increase the success of the seedlings by spreading soil-less planting material under the plant and the branches. Keep this soil moist and as soon as the seed pods split open, help them out and spread the seeds where you want them.
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