How to Cook Country Style Pork Ribs on a Charcoal Grill
- 1). Preheat oven to 325° F. Season the ribs with the dry rub. Dry rub can be purchased in a supermarket or home-made with a combination of spices. To make your own dry rub, combine the ingredients into a bowl and mix together. This should be enough dry rub to cover two ribs. Repeat as necessary, depending on the amount of ribs. Take each rib in your hand and literally rub the mixture onto both sides of the ribs with your hands.
- 2). Place the seasoned ribs in a roasting pan, cover with foil and place them inside the preheated oven. Cook for 1 hour at 325° F.
- 3). Prepare the charcoal grill. Arrange the charcoal briquets in a pyramid shape; use enough to fill the entire bed of the grill. Squeeze lighter fluid onto the charcoal and light with a match. Wait until the grill is smoking and reaches cooking temperature. The grill is ready for cooking when the coals begins to turn orange in spots.
- 4). Place the BBQ sauce in a bowl to baste the country style ribs. Baste both sides of the ribs prior to placing on the grill. Grill the ribs for 30 minutes, turning them in 5 minute intervals with tongs. Baste the ribs each time you turn them.
- 5). Remove the country style pork ribs from the grill and baste 1 final time with the BBQ sauce before serving.
Cooking Directions