Crossbow Hunting Regulations in Texas
- Texas allows crossbows to be used to take any game animal, non-protected non-game animal or game birds. Game animals include whitetail deer, mule deer, wild turkey and squirrels. Feral hogs and exotic game are considered non-protected non-game animals. Common game birds include quail and pheasants.
- Hunters may use crossbows during an archery-only open deer season. In 2010, the archery season for whitetail deer and mule deer opens on Oct. 2 and closes on Nov. 5. For other general open seasons and Eastern spring turkey seasons, crossbows are allowed in every county.
- Some states require a physician signed document declaring disability in order to get a crossbow permit. Texas, however, allows anyone, regardless of physical ability, to use a crossbow. The only exception to this regulation is Grayson County during the archery-only open deer season where it is required to have an upper-limb disability and a physician's statement.
- Before hunting in Texas, you must purchase a valid hunting license and appropriate permits. To hunt with a crossbow, you must also purchase an archery stamp endorsement. The archery stamp may be purchased through the Texas Parks and Wildlife, sporting goods store or license vendor.
- Crossbow minimum requirements are set by the Texas Parks and Wildlife to ensure that the crossbows deliver enough kinetic energy to be effective on the game. The crossbow must have a minimum pull of 125 lbs., have a mechanical safety, and can't be less than 25 inches in length. Crossbow bolts must have a broad-head with at least 7/8 inch cutting diameter.
Physical Ability