Meditation For Business Success
Years ago if you were in business and told someone you 'meditated' regularly you may of got the feedback that you were 'strange' in some way..
this is not the case any longer.
More and more people are catching onto the success that meditation can bring, not just in business but in any area in life.
There are many different forms of meditation from focusing on the breath, visualizations, relaxation - where you focus on relaxing on each part of the body, color meditation opening up the chakras, and self guided meditation to name a few.
The key to using meditation in your business is firstly to find which style of meditation works and go from there.
There are many books on meditation however reading about mediation is obviously not 'doing it'.
Practice is the key...
Even if you only do five minutes per day, do it as part of your regular routine and you will see and feel improvements.
If you find the monkey mind chatter too much then a guided visualization CD may work best for you.
There are many personal development coaches out there with amazing meditation CD's such as Louise Hay, Doreen Virtue, Wayne Dyer and Ester and Jerry Hicks just to name a few.
For those who have been meditating for sometime focusing on the breath works well and helps to clear the space for new thoughts and insights to arise.
One of the keys to making meditation useful for business success is to set your intention for your meditation before you begin.
For example you may require some insight on advertising ideas for your business.
So you set that intention by writing this intention down prior to beginning.
It's a good idea to keep some form of a journal for your meditation so if needed you can refer back.
The primary focus of the meditation is to 'relax' your mind not to try and 'stop' the thoughts from coming through.
As the thoughts come through just allow them without judgment and continue to focus on your breathing, or color, or visualization you decided.
After completion of your meditation journal some brief notes on what you experienced.
The key here is just to write, not to judge or be focused on you're what you're writing just let it flow out.
At this stage I always do some Re - Sourcing to ask for assistance on my meditation and success in my business.
I like to use guidance cards again many personal development coaches have produced these.
They can be found in most book stores these days.
Purchase the ones that feel right for you.
So I choose one card and that will be part of my Re - Sourcing for the day.
For example I may pick the card 'Patience' so during the day I remain on being patient and take time to review my options - in this example of what type of advertising I will do for my business.
I'm not surprised if further guidance and information has come through and landed for me the next morning! Perhaps our ancestors had it all right when wanting an answer to a challenge; they said 'sleep on it' the answer will be there when you wake up - so often the case! This happens because the conscious mind rests during sleep allowing the sub conscious mind to process need information to download into the conscious mind.
Very similar to meditation indeed! The keys to meditating for business success are practice, journaling and Re- Sourcing this way you get further insights to what you need to do to create success, not just in business but in all areas of life.
this is not the case any longer.
More and more people are catching onto the success that meditation can bring, not just in business but in any area in life.
There are many different forms of meditation from focusing on the breath, visualizations, relaxation - where you focus on relaxing on each part of the body, color meditation opening up the chakras, and self guided meditation to name a few.
The key to using meditation in your business is firstly to find which style of meditation works and go from there.
There are many books on meditation however reading about mediation is obviously not 'doing it'.
Practice is the key...
Even if you only do five minutes per day, do it as part of your regular routine and you will see and feel improvements.
If you find the monkey mind chatter too much then a guided visualization CD may work best for you.
There are many personal development coaches out there with amazing meditation CD's such as Louise Hay, Doreen Virtue, Wayne Dyer and Ester and Jerry Hicks just to name a few.
For those who have been meditating for sometime focusing on the breath works well and helps to clear the space for new thoughts and insights to arise.
One of the keys to making meditation useful for business success is to set your intention for your meditation before you begin.
For example you may require some insight on advertising ideas for your business.
So you set that intention by writing this intention down prior to beginning.
It's a good idea to keep some form of a journal for your meditation so if needed you can refer back.
The primary focus of the meditation is to 'relax' your mind not to try and 'stop' the thoughts from coming through.
As the thoughts come through just allow them without judgment and continue to focus on your breathing, or color, or visualization you decided.
After completion of your meditation journal some brief notes on what you experienced.
The key here is just to write, not to judge or be focused on you're what you're writing just let it flow out.
At this stage I always do some Re - Sourcing to ask for assistance on my meditation and success in my business.
I like to use guidance cards again many personal development coaches have produced these.
They can be found in most book stores these days.
Purchase the ones that feel right for you.
So I choose one card and that will be part of my Re - Sourcing for the day.
For example I may pick the card 'Patience' so during the day I remain on being patient and take time to review my options - in this example of what type of advertising I will do for my business.
I'm not surprised if further guidance and information has come through and landed for me the next morning! Perhaps our ancestors had it all right when wanting an answer to a challenge; they said 'sleep on it' the answer will be there when you wake up - so often the case! This happens because the conscious mind rests during sleep allowing the sub conscious mind to process need information to download into the conscious mind.
Very similar to meditation indeed! The keys to meditating for business success are practice, journaling and Re- Sourcing this way you get further insights to what you need to do to create success, not just in business but in all areas of life.