The Migration Habits of African Elephants
- Typically African elephants' migration routes are the same year after year.Jupiterimages/ Images
The migration period for African elephants begins during the annual dry season. The early dry season runs April to May. The middle dry season follows from June to mid-September. Their direction is governed by the locations of water sources and rivers. As the late dry season begins from late September to mid-November, the elephants begin the migration back to their native regions to feed on vegetation that grows during the rainy season, which runs from mid-November through March. This migration ritual allows for replenishment of vegetation and water. - An individual family group will separate from the herd and migrate on its own.Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
Composed of females and males up to the age of puberty (8 to 20 years old), family groups are one method of African elephant migration. This occurs when an individual family group makes the decision to separate from the herd. Generally related to a food source shortage, it is better for the herds as a whole for individual families to venture out on their own. The leaders are dominant females, one at the front and one at the back. This protects the young and keeps them under supervision at all times. - Several family groups may choose to migrate together rather than participate in a mass migration.Digital Vision./Digital Vision/Getty Images
When two to five elephant families migrate together, it is called a bond group. These groups provide extra security for each other against predators. Just as in family groups, the female elephants take the lead and share responsibilities. The only downside to this form of migration is that there need to be more food resource points. If there are food shortages, it can present a problem in their efforts to survive. - Entire elephant herds occasionally join in mass migration.NA/ Images
A mass migration is when an entire herd joins together along a migratory route to look for food sources. This form of migration is completely dependent upon environmental conditions. Although this provides maximum protection and security for the herd, there must be sufficient quantities of food along the migratory route. If there are food shortages, this form of migration will not work. Timing has to be right because it is critical to each elephant's survival.
Migration Period
Family Groups
Bond Groups
Mass Migration