Get Paid to Drive Your Car?
If you have looked online for ways to earn money, you've probably seen ads for 'Get Paid To Drive Your Own Car' or 'Drive a New Car Free' or something similar to that.
The ads usually state that there are hundreds of companies that will pay you to drive your car with an advertisement on it, and for just $29.
95 or so, they'll provide you with a directory of companies needing people such as you.
But what is the reality behind the Get Paid to Drive ads? Can you really Get Paid to Drive Your Own Car? The truth is that there are indeed companies that will pay you to place advertising on your car.
These companies provide vehicle advertising to their clients.
They then find people such as you and me that are willing to place an advertisement known as a wraparound on your car, and pass along some of the fee to you in the way of a monthly payment, usually between $200-$400 a month.
There are also some companies that will pay for your gas, which could come in quite handy if gas prices spike back up again.
Some paid to drive companies will provide you with a car to drive, usually for a period of a year or two.
There are stipulations such as you have to drive a minimum number of miles per month, be willing to wash the car a couple of times a month, be available for vehicle inspection once a month, and of course you must have an excellent driving record.
You'll also usually be responsible for insurance as you would with your own vehicle.
If you decide to participate in the program and have your own car wrapped, it will usually be vinyl adhesive material that is pieced together to cover your car.
The companies claim that the material doesn't cause any harm to the paints finish, and once you've fulfilled your obligation, your car will be returned to you in its original condition.
You also have a choice as to the type of advertisement you want placed on your car.
As to whether or not you should purchase a directory, I can't say because I never purchased one, but they do claim to have the most comprehensive collection of companies available.
I managed to locate quite a few by looking around a bit on the Internet.
Do a search with the words, Car Wraps, Auto Wraps, Auto Car Wraps, Get Paid to Drive, Free Car or some combination of these, and you'll come up with enough information to make an informed decision.
While you may decide that driving around in a car with a hot dog pasted on the side isn't your thing, it beats making a car payment.
The ads usually state that there are hundreds of companies that will pay you to drive your car with an advertisement on it, and for just $29.
95 or so, they'll provide you with a directory of companies needing people such as you.
But what is the reality behind the Get Paid to Drive ads? Can you really Get Paid to Drive Your Own Car? The truth is that there are indeed companies that will pay you to place advertising on your car.
These companies provide vehicle advertising to their clients.
They then find people such as you and me that are willing to place an advertisement known as a wraparound on your car, and pass along some of the fee to you in the way of a monthly payment, usually between $200-$400 a month.
There are also some companies that will pay for your gas, which could come in quite handy if gas prices spike back up again.
Some paid to drive companies will provide you with a car to drive, usually for a period of a year or two.
There are stipulations such as you have to drive a minimum number of miles per month, be willing to wash the car a couple of times a month, be available for vehicle inspection once a month, and of course you must have an excellent driving record.
You'll also usually be responsible for insurance as you would with your own vehicle.
If you decide to participate in the program and have your own car wrapped, it will usually be vinyl adhesive material that is pieced together to cover your car.
The companies claim that the material doesn't cause any harm to the paints finish, and once you've fulfilled your obligation, your car will be returned to you in its original condition.
You also have a choice as to the type of advertisement you want placed on your car.
As to whether or not you should purchase a directory, I can't say because I never purchased one, but they do claim to have the most comprehensive collection of companies available.
I managed to locate quite a few by looking around a bit on the Internet.
Do a search with the words, Car Wraps, Auto Wraps, Auto Car Wraps, Get Paid to Drive, Free Car or some combination of these, and you'll come up with enough information to make an informed decision.
While you may decide that driving around in a car with a hot dog pasted on the side isn't your thing, it beats making a car payment.