Clean Your Electronic Cigarette Kit Battery To Give It A Long Life
The benefits of having electronic cigarette kit are many, starting from keeping you in a good health condition to building a good social personality of your as well as saving your bank balance.
However, having a clean electronic cigarette is also of big importance, for it is only when you give some attention on the maintenance of e-cig, which it will yield you good results. Cleaning or maintenance seems to be a big fear for many of us, but the good news is that you do not need to clean all the parts of it, or even regularly. The part that is still somewhat prone to collecting any residue is the cartridge, which contains the e-liquid that is used as the fuel of the e-cig.
The electronic cigarette kit has mainly three parts, the battery, the cartridge and the atomizer. The other vital part of any e-cig is the charger that is used to recharge the battery for continuous use. The atomizer holds the sensors that detect motion or inhalation to send signal to the cartridge that will send the e-cig liquid to the user. The cartridge is the part that holds the e-liquid and it needs to be cleaned for a better service. The maintenance does not take up more than 15 minutes from your busy schedule, and should be repeated every 5 to 8 weeks, depending upon the frequency of usage.
The procedures of cleaning include two distinct methods. One is for the basic cleaning of the residue of the e-liquid on the base and corners of the cartridge. The other is to get rid of the flavor of the liquid you have been vaping. The latter procedure is necessary when you have been using a particular flavor of e-liquid and want to try a new one. As the e-liquids are available in separate bottles as well, buying a new cartridge every time might not be a very good idea, if you are using a very expensive brand. Even if you are using a brand that is not only affordable, but also provides the cartridges in very cheap rate, it is always a very good idea keep the cartridge clean so that you get an unhindered e-cig vaping experience.
The procedures to clean the cartridge to get rid of the flavor are tried and tested by the users. Here is one of the very effective methods of cleaning e-cig.
Alcohol is a multi-purpose utility product, and to clean the flavor of e-liquid from the cartridge, vodka is an effective item. For this method, firstly you need to empty the cartridge of the remaining liquid. Then, put your finger on one end of it, and pour vodka inside. Then put your another finger on the upper end and close it tightly. Shake the cartridge with the vodka inside it for about 2-3 minutes. This will let the vodka soak the flavor of the e-liquid. Then wash the cartridge thoroughly with hot water twice, to be sure that it is completely cleaned. Keep the cartridge in the open for the night, so that the remaining moisture and whatever smell might have been remaining with the water inside can be evaporated. In the morning, you can pour the new e-liquid and begin vaping all over again. This is a very popular method to clean electronic cigarette.
There are other methods to maintain a clean and proper electronic cigarette kit.
However, having a clean electronic cigarette is also of big importance, for it is only when you give some attention on the maintenance of e-cig, which it will yield you good results. Cleaning or maintenance seems to be a big fear for many of us, but the good news is that you do not need to clean all the parts of it, or even regularly. The part that is still somewhat prone to collecting any residue is the cartridge, which contains the e-liquid that is used as the fuel of the e-cig.
The electronic cigarette kit has mainly three parts, the battery, the cartridge and the atomizer. The other vital part of any e-cig is the charger that is used to recharge the battery for continuous use. The atomizer holds the sensors that detect motion or inhalation to send signal to the cartridge that will send the e-cig liquid to the user. The cartridge is the part that holds the e-liquid and it needs to be cleaned for a better service. The maintenance does not take up more than 15 minutes from your busy schedule, and should be repeated every 5 to 8 weeks, depending upon the frequency of usage.
The procedures of cleaning include two distinct methods. One is for the basic cleaning of the residue of the e-liquid on the base and corners of the cartridge. The other is to get rid of the flavor of the liquid you have been vaping. The latter procedure is necessary when you have been using a particular flavor of e-liquid and want to try a new one. As the e-liquids are available in separate bottles as well, buying a new cartridge every time might not be a very good idea, if you are using a very expensive brand. Even if you are using a brand that is not only affordable, but also provides the cartridges in very cheap rate, it is always a very good idea keep the cartridge clean so that you get an unhindered e-cig vaping experience.
The procedures to clean the cartridge to get rid of the flavor are tried and tested by the users. Here is one of the very effective methods of cleaning e-cig.
Alcohol is a multi-purpose utility product, and to clean the flavor of e-liquid from the cartridge, vodka is an effective item. For this method, firstly you need to empty the cartridge of the remaining liquid. Then, put your finger on one end of it, and pour vodka inside. Then put your another finger on the upper end and close it tightly. Shake the cartridge with the vodka inside it for about 2-3 minutes. This will let the vodka soak the flavor of the e-liquid. Then wash the cartridge thoroughly with hot water twice, to be sure that it is completely cleaned. Keep the cartridge in the open for the night, so that the remaining moisture and whatever smell might have been remaining with the water inside can be evaporated. In the morning, you can pour the new e-liquid and begin vaping all over again. This is a very popular method to clean electronic cigarette.
There are other methods to maintain a clean and proper electronic cigarette kit.