What Are Treatments for a Dog With a Flea Allergy?
- Dogs with flea allergies can be treated effectively.dog image by jeancliclac from Fotolia.com
Fleas are annoying and itchy for all dogs, but dogs with flea allergies experience intense itching from just one flea bite. That's why it's important to treat dogs with flea allergies for both fleas and the allergy itself. The good news for dogs and their owners is that flea allergies are fairly easy to treat. - The first step in treating a flea allergy is to rid the dog of fleas. If the fleas continue to bite the dog, the intense itching will also continue. Several treatments are available to eradicate fleas on dogs. The mildest way is to bathe the dog in a flea shampoo for sensitive skin. Use a flea comb to make sure the fleas are all gone. But while that remedy will get fleas off a dog temporarily, it will not prevent fleas from jumping back on him. Topical ointments that are placed monthly between the dog's shoulder blades are the best way to both kill fleas and prevent future infestation. Some ointments also protect against ticks and mosquitoes.
- If fleas are infested in the dogs environment, whether it's outdoors or in your home, they need to be removed. Unless you use preventive flea control, such as a monthly ointment, the fleas will hop right back onto your dog and cause pain all over again. Several different kinds of powders can be used outdoors to kill fleas. Contact a pest control expert to help get rid of the fleas, and make sure the pesticide is safe for use around dogs.
- Desensitization works to control flea allergies in some dogs. This treatment needs to be administered by a veterinarian. Small amounts of flea saliva is injected into the dog's skin over a long period of time. This can help the dog's immune system get used to flea bites so they won't bother the dog as much. However, this method only works between 50 percent and 75 percent of the time.
- If other treatments don't work, or if your dog has particularly severe reactions to flea bites, corticosteroids can help. Your veterinarian will prescribe these medications, which dogs can take in either injection or pill form. These medications help control the allergic reaction and relieve symptoms.
Flea Control