DIY Insulated Shades
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The t-square will help you make precise corners, which are essential.square image by Paul Moore from
Use a t-square to measure and mark the quilt fabric that you will use to insulate your shades to the exact width and and length of the finished shade you desire. This quilt fabric will be on the window side of the shade. - 2
Sharp sewing scissors will give best results.ciseaux image by razorconcept from
Cut the insulating quilt fabric to size. - 3
The face fabric will be visible inside the room when the shade covers the window.Fabric image by cacheman from
Cut the face fabric 2-1/2 inches wider and 10 inches longer than the insulating quilted fabric. - 4
Leave an extra 2 inches on top and 8 inches on the bottom of the face fabric (the unquilted fabric).let's sew image by Erin Cadigan from
Pin together side edges with the wrong sides together. There with be a pucker running down the center of the face fabric, due to the excess fabric on that side. - 5). Sew together the insulating quilt fabric and decorative face fabric, stitching up both sides of the shade.
- 6). Turn face side out what you have sewn. The wider face fabric allows the insulating back side to lie entirely flat.
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Taper the edges in so that the bottom overhang is slightly narrower (about 1/4 inch) than the overhang near the edge of the insulating quilt side.iron image by Robert Grzywaczewski from
Press the entire shade. Press under the side edges pressing the bottom excess overhang of the face fabric. - 8). Fold up the bottom edge of the overhanging fabric to the edge of the insulating quilt fabric. Press. Fold up again the overhang fabric, making the fold at the edge of the insulating fabric. Press again.
- 9). Stitch the hem in place. Top sew also the hem sides.
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Press under 1/2 inch of the face fabric across the top of the shade. - 11
Cut two strips of the hook-and-loop fastening tape the width of the shade. - 12
The loop side of the tape will be attached to the window frame.velcro image by Fuzzphoto from
Sew one strip of the hook side to the the right side of the top edge of the shade. Fold under, with the fold line at the edge of the insulating back quilt. Press. Stitch in place. - 13
Sew the other strip of hook side fastening strip to the bottom inside edge of the shade. - 14
Cut two strips of the hook-and-loop fastening tape the length of the shade. Sew the hook sides of the strip to each side of the shade along the inside edge - 15
Use an electric staple gun to attach the loop side of the fastening strips to one side of the window frame. Attach the shade to the frame along this strip, and use the placement of the shade to determine the placement of the loop strips around the perimeter of the window. Staple the other loop strips in place accordingly. - 16
Attach the shade in place on the fastening strips.