How to Trim Podocarpus Hedges
- 1). Cut back the podocarpus to 12 to 18 inches in height after planting. Trim the top growth with hand pruners, making each cut near a leaf or bud. Early pruning encourages lush growth and full hedge at maturity.
- 2). Trim back the sides of the shrub after planting, removing up to a third of the plant's width. Trim the sides so the top of the hedge is narrower than the base of the shrub, as this allows sunlight and rain to reach the lower branches of the podocarpus.
- 3). Pinch off the tip of each new shoot, breaking the shoot in front of the topmost leaf. Continue to pinch every two to four weeks for the first summer after planting. Pinching encourages branching and a fuller hedge.
- 4). Prune the podocarpus hedge each year in late winter or early spring before the plant begins actively growing. Cut back the top and side growth to maintain the size and shape of the hedge.
- 5). Cut the podocarpus a second time in midsummer. Remove overgrown branches and trim back the remaining branches lightly to maintain the shape of the shrub. Save more severe shaping for the late winter pruning period.