This Deadly Copywriting "Blunder" Is Guaranteed To Kill Your Response 100% Of The Time
One of the biggest and most common mistakes in sales letters and ads -- even the ones written by some of the pros -- is not using a simple deadline.
This is such a big mistake that it can literally mean the difference between you making tens of thousands of dollars in sales...
or no sales at all.
Why do I say that? Simply because I've seen it happen.
I've seen ads with no deadline go out and make no money at all.
Not one order.
I've also seen some of those same ads go out with a simple deadline attached to it rake in tens of thousands of dollars.
Deadlines really do have that much impact on your response.
In fact, nothing ever gets done in life -- whether you're selling or doing anything else -- without a deadline.
For example, I know of famous artists who say they would never get their work done without a deadline.
And think of kids in school -- when do they write that paper?The day it is assigned...
or the night before it's due? I don't know about you, but when I was in school I don't know anyone who did their papers until the last possible minute.
Why does this happen? Because it's just too easy to procrastinate.
And it's the same with the people you are selling to.
Even if they want what you have -- with money burning a hole in their pocket -- if you give them an excuse to delay they will.
So always include a deadline with your ads, sales letters and offers.
Not the fake Internet deadlines (you know, where the date changes every day), but real deadlines.
You do that, and your chances of making the sale will skyrocket when compared to not using them at all.
This is such a big mistake that it can literally mean the difference between you making tens of thousands of dollars in sales...
or no sales at all.
Why do I say that? Simply because I've seen it happen.
I've seen ads with no deadline go out and make no money at all.
Not one order.
I've also seen some of those same ads go out with a simple deadline attached to it rake in tens of thousands of dollars.
Deadlines really do have that much impact on your response.
In fact, nothing ever gets done in life -- whether you're selling or doing anything else -- without a deadline.
For example, I know of famous artists who say they would never get their work done without a deadline.
And think of kids in school -- when do they write that paper?The day it is assigned...
or the night before it's due? I don't know about you, but when I was in school I don't know anyone who did their papers until the last possible minute.
Why does this happen? Because it's just too easy to procrastinate.
And it's the same with the people you are selling to.
Even if they want what you have -- with money burning a hole in their pocket -- if you give them an excuse to delay they will.
So always include a deadline with your ads, sales letters and offers.
Not the fake Internet deadlines (you know, where the date changes every day), but real deadlines.
You do that, and your chances of making the sale will skyrocket when compared to not using them at all.