Speaking Styles Of Known Broadcasters And Politicians
Speaking Styles of Known Broadcasters and Politicians
Many people who pursue professional speech training ask to speak like a broadcaster since most of them model ideal career professional speech habits. Presented here are some male and female broadcasters who model good examples of intonation, appropriate speech rate and speak with precise articulation. As you are learning intonation and other speech skills, tune in to their programs to observe their speaking styles and to identify any skills you want to have. Being able to identify specific speech features in other people will heighten your own awareness and help reinforce your own personal goals.
Keith Olbermann: MSNBC Countdown, News/Sports/Entertainment
He is an excellent model for speaking with intonation and clear pitch changes. If you have a monotone speaking habit, tune in to his program for an example of speaking with good intonation. His speech patterns are clearly marked with melody and when he is using intonation he never sounds boring or monotone, which is ideal when presenting, persuading or negotiating business. Listen for his pitch changes, then press your mute button and repeat one of his lines so you can feel what it is like to speak with good intonation.
He speaks using strong, resonant vocal tones. He has a rich vibrant voice quality that creates an image of confidence. These are good vocal habits to enhance your credibility and image.
No One is Perfect!
When he gets excited his speech rate blasts off! As a result he becomes monotone and frequently mispronounces words. These behaviors are distracting to listeners and not a good model for business situations. Speakers with a fast rate of speech are judged to be unorganized. Remember, it is not possible to speak with good intonation and have pitch changes when you are speaking too quickly. A fast rate of speech will automatically cause monotone speech. If monotone speech is one of your habits, identify good examples of intonation, as well as fast and monotone speech patterns within his show to strengthen your own awareness.
Matt Lauer: NBC Co-Host of The Today Show, Daily Variety
He speaks with good and controlled melody with clear articulation. His sounds and phrases blend nicely, free from over-punching sounds or appearing choppy. These are good speaking skills to have in the business world and he represents American speech and career speech nicely.
Since his melody and speed are controlled, you can easily recognize his pleasant tone quality. His tone does not appear harsh or reflect other types of emotion. When negotiating or persuading, you will have the advantage with your listener if you speak using intonation smoothly and exhibit pleasant vocal tones, because your listener will feel at ease. When speech is too fast or the tone is not pleasant, the listener will not process the information as well, or may be turned off by the speaker. While watching the show, turn off your volume and repeat one of his lines, speaking with the controlled speech pattern so you can experience professional speech like a broadcaster.
No One is Perfect!
During his spontaneous speech, it is easier to detect monotone patterns. This habit is more noticeable when he is speaking casually as opposed to conducting a formal interview. In addition, he will also end statements on an upward beat instead of a downward one. Again, ending statements with an upward swing is detrimental in business because you will sound doubtful, young or as if you are seeking approval. See if you can identify these habits and decide how those habits would be perceived in a business situation.
Oprah Wimfrey: ABC Host of the Oprah Show, Daytime Talk Show
Her intonation has clear rises in pitch and she ends her statements with a downward beat. Her speaking habits represent the American and career style of speaking. She speaks with a controlled speed allowing for clear articulation.
She has a low volume and rich and pleasant vocal quality. She has ideal speech and voice skills for presenting, teaching or leading meetings.
No One Is Perfect!
Often when she is being informal or joking around, you can hear her delete ending sounds in words or change her voice to sound higher in pitch. When she does this, her voice sounds thinner and nasal tones can be detected. These habits would not work well in a business situation. When this occurs, see if you can identify some speech habits that you are working toward improving.
Hillary Clinton: Former White House First Lady and New York State Senator
She speaks with deliberate intonation and has a strong and controlled speech rate with crisp diction. Her speech has melody and is never too fast.
She speaks with strong, rich and commanding vocal qualities and with excellent projection. Her voice never sounds thin, weak or high in pitch. She is a very believable and convincing speaker.
No One is Perfect!
Instead of coming down in pitch smoothly when she speaks she tends to "march down the staircase," creating a tone that can be perceived as hard or punchy. When "punches" occur in statements, even small ones, the listener often perceives it as too strong and the speaker may be judged as angry, cold or emotional. Unfortunately, many women adopt this habit in order to be perceived as competent, credible or authoritative in the business world. Be mindful of how you use intonation to avoid sounding angry or accidentally send the wrong message about your image. People want to conduct business with smart people, not emotional ones. If you keep your intonation smooth and free from hard onsets or punches, warmer vocal qualities and tone will automatically appear.
Elizabeth Vargas: ABC World News Tonight and Co-host of 20/20
She is a good example of intonation and melody. She never sounds monotone and her articulation is sharp.
She speaks with a warm vocal quality and has nice natural projection. Her warm vocal tone gives her a credible and trustworthy reputation. These are good qualities when establishing professional relationships.
No One is Perfect!
On occasion when she is not speaking in her optimal pitch range her voice can sound high, causing her pitch to sound thin. This is common for many women. When conducting business always speak with a diaphragm breath for natural projection to help keep you in your ideal pitch range. Women can lose credibility in the business world when speaking in too high a pitch because it sounds young, and unconfident. Determine if you can observe this behavior in her speech or in the speech of other women to increase your own awareness.
Dick Cheney: Vice President of the United States
People comment that he has a "CEO" corporate executive speaking style. Although you may not be a fan of what he says, based on his speech and voice models, what he says sounds good. His speech melody is smooth and he uses intonation that engages a listener. His speech rate is controlled and he does not have to make revisions or repeat himself. Speaking with good intonation and rate of speech automatically gives speakers credibility and leadership qualities because they appear to be organized and smart.
He speaks using his lower voice, creating rich vocal tones and presents a commanding and leadership presence. This is a good model for business.
No One Is Perfect!
When he speaks, he tends to lack warm vocal qualities. When conducting business, if the listener perceives you as "cold" it can impact comfort levels because people want to work with individuals who are trustworthy and kind. If your vocal tones do not exhibit any type of warmth it may be difficult to establish a comfortable relationship. Find a balance of speaking with controlled intonation that will allow you to blend your words smoothly to avoid a harsh voice image .
22344 E. Kenyon Place
Aurora, Colorado 80018
Phone: 303-330-3309
Many people who pursue professional speech training ask to speak like a broadcaster since most of them model ideal career professional speech habits. Presented here are some male and female broadcasters who model good examples of intonation, appropriate speech rate and speak with precise articulation. As you are learning intonation and other speech skills, tune in to their programs to observe their speaking styles and to identify any skills you want to have. Being able to identify specific speech features in other people will heighten your own awareness and help reinforce your own personal goals.
Keith Olbermann: MSNBC Countdown, News/Sports/Entertainment
He is an excellent model for speaking with intonation and clear pitch changes. If you have a monotone speaking habit, tune in to his program for an example of speaking with good intonation. His speech patterns are clearly marked with melody and when he is using intonation he never sounds boring or monotone, which is ideal when presenting, persuading or negotiating business. Listen for his pitch changes, then press your mute button and repeat one of his lines so you can feel what it is like to speak with good intonation.
He speaks using strong, resonant vocal tones. He has a rich vibrant voice quality that creates an image of confidence. These are good vocal habits to enhance your credibility and image.
No One is Perfect!
When he gets excited his speech rate blasts off! As a result he becomes monotone and frequently mispronounces words. These behaviors are distracting to listeners and not a good model for business situations. Speakers with a fast rate of speech are judged to be unorganized. Remember, it is not possible to speak with good intonation and have pitch changes when you are speaking too quickly. A fast rate of speech will automatically cause monotone speech. If monotone speech is one of your habits, identify good examples of intonation, as well as fast and monotone speech patterns within his show to strengthen your own awareness.
Matt Lauer: NBC Co-Host of The Today Show, Daily Variety
He speaks with good and controlled melody with clear articulation. His sounds and phrases blend nicely, free from over-punching sounds or appearing choppy. These are good speaking skills to have in the business world and he represents American speech and career speech nicely.
Since his melody and speed are controlled, you can easily recognize his pleasant tone quality. His tone does not appear harsh or reflect other types of emotion. When negotiating or persuading, you will have the advantage with your listener if you speak using intonation smoothly and exhibit pleasant vocal tones, because your listener will feel at ease. When speech is too fast or the tone is not pleasant, the listener will not process the information as well, or may be turned off by the speaker. While watching the show, turn off your volume and repeat one of his lines, speaking with the controlled speech pattern so you can experience professional speech like a broadcaster.
No One is Perfect!
During his spontaneous speech, it is easier to detect monotone patterns. This habit is more noticeable when he is speaking casually as opposed to conducting a formal interview. In addition, he will also end statements on an upward beat instead of a downward one. Again, ending statements with an upward swing is detrimental in business because you will sound doubtful, young or as if you are seeking approval. See if you can identify these habits and decide how those habits would be perceived in a business situation.
Oprah Wimfrey: ABC Host of the Oprah Show, Daytime Talk Show
Her intonation has clear rises in pitch and she ends her statements with a downward beat. Her speaking habits represent the American and career style of speaking. She speaks with a controlled speed allowing for clear articulation.
She has a low volume and rich and pleasant vocal quality. She has ideal speech and voice skills for presenting, teaching or leading meetings.
No One Is Perfect!
Often when she is being informal or joking around, you can hear her delete ending sounds in words or change her voice to sound higher in pitch. When she does this, her voice sounds thinner and nasal tones can be detected. These habits would not work well in a business situation. When this occurs, see if you can identify some speech habits that you are working toward improving.
Hillary Clinton: Former White House First Lady and New York State Senator
She speaks with deliberate intonation and has a strong and controlled speech rate with crisp diction. Her speech has melody and is never too fast.
She speaks with strong, rich and commanding vocal qualities and with excellent projection. Her voice never sounds thin, weak or high in pitch. She is a very believable and convincing speaker.
No One is Perfect!
Instead of coming down in pitch smoothly when she speaks she tends to "march down the staircase," creating a tone that can be perceived as hard or punchy. When "punches" occur in statements, even small ones, the listener often perceives it as too strong and the speaker may be judged as angry, cold or emotional. Unfortunately, many women adopt this habit in order to be perceived as competent, credible or authoritative in the business world. Be mindful of how you use intonation to avoid sounding angry or accidentally send the wrong message about your image. People want to conduct business with smart people, not emotional ones. If you keep your intonation smooth and free from hard onsets or punches, warmer vocal qualities and tone will automatically appear.
Elizabeth Vargas: ABC World News Tonight and Co-host of 20/20
She is a good example of intonation and melody. She never sounds monotone and her articulation is sharp.
She speaks with a warm vocal quality and has nice natural projection. Her warm vocal tone gives her a credible and trustworthy reputation. These are good qualities when establishing professional relationships.
No One is Perfect!
On occasion when she is not speaking in her optimal pitch range her voice can sound high, causing her pitch to sound thin. This is common for many women. When conducting business always speak with a diaphragm breath for natural projection to help keep you in your ideal pitch range. Women can lose credibility in the business world when speaking in too high a pitch because it sounds young, and unconfident. Determine if you can observe this behavior in her speech or in the speech of other women to increase your own awareness.
Dick Cheney: Vice President of the United States
People comment that he has a "CEO" corporate executive speaking style. Although you may not be a fan of what he says, based on his speech and voice models, what he says sounds good. His speech melody is smooth and he uses intonation that engages a listener. His speech rate is controlled and he does not have to make revisions or repeat himself. Speaking with good intonation and rate of speech automatically gives speakers credibility and leadership qualities because they appear to be organized and smart.
He speaks using his lower voice, creating rich vocal tones and presents a commanding and leadership presence. This is a good model for business.
No One Is Perfect!
When he speaks, he tends to lack warm vocal qualities. When conducting business, if the listener perceives you as "cold" it can impact comfort levels because people want to work with individuals who are trustworthy and kind. If your vocal tones do not exhibit any type of warmth it may be difficult to establish a comfortable relationship. Find a balance of speaking with controlled intonation that will allow you to blend your words smoothly to avoid a harsh voice image .
22344 E. Kenyon Place
Aurora, Colorado 80018
Phone: 303-330-3309