How to Grow White Sage Hydroponically
- 1). Research hydroponic growing methods and equipment. If you already own a growing system, make sure it is totally clean before starting a new crop. All tubes, pumps and growing trays should be washed and flushed prior to starting a new crop. If you are new to hydroponic growing, there is a wealth of data available online or from home and garden supply centers. There are dozens of different types of hydroponic growing systems available. A system is a substantial investment in both time and money so be sure to carefully evaluate your choices prior to purchase.
- 2). Follow instructions provided with your growing unit. Each system is somewhat different as far as set-up and operating procedure. A failure to follow the directions will result in a failed crop.
- 3). Purchase strong healthy plants for transplanting with sturdy stems, upright growth and no evidence of disease or damage. Plants may also be started from seeds following system directions.
- 4). Purchase your hydroponic nutrients in powder form that mixes with water. They are much less expensive than already prepared solutions.
- 5). Select an all-purpose hydroponic nutrient solution with secondary elements like sulphur, calcium and magnesium. Look for a product that also includes trace elements of iron, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum and manganese. A balanced solution will provide nutrition throughout all stages of plant growth. Carefully follow the mixing directions on your hydroponic solution package. If in doubt, use less.
- 6). Do not over-fertilize your plants. Excess fertilizer will kill your plants. If you under-fertilize, your herbs may take longer to grow but they will not perish. When water in your growing tanks evaporates, add more water to the level indicated.
- 7). Use clear tepid water to wash the soil from the roots from transplants growing in soil.
- 8). Pinch off white sage flower buds as they appear. If allowed to flower, the herb will turn bitter.