Salt Water Fishing in New York
- Anglers (fishermen) catch a vast variety of fish species off the coast of New York. Among the species anglers fish include: summer and winter flounder, bluefish, scup, Atlantic sturgeon, American eel, among others such as various species of sharks.
- Saltwater fishing season is open year-round providing fishermen ample opportunity to fish cold and warm water fish.
- New York offers a number of saltwater fishing spots. The Atlantic Ocean surrounds the southern side of Long Island and the island's northern tip. Jamaica Bay runs along Brooklyn and Queens. Lower, Upper and Raritan Bays hug the coastline off of Staten Island and Brooklyn. The Long Island Sound is located on the northern side of Long Island. The Hudson and East rivers, in addition to other saltwater tributaries of the Atlantic, make for a diverse range of saltwater fishing opportunities.
- The state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) sets fishing regulations for saltwater fishing in the state. Its regulations change to adjust for fishing conditions in an effort to preserve the state's marine life. DEC maintains a current list of regulations on its websites and recommends anglers review them regularly for changes.
- As of 2009, fishermen wishing to fish in the waters off New York must purchase a recreational marine fishing license. As of June 2010, the cost of an annual license is $10 for residents and $15 for non-residents over the age of 16. The state also makes available seven- and one-day licenses for both residents and non-residents. People may purchase licenses from the DEC in person at one its regional offices, by phone at 1-86-NY-DECALS or DEC's online, automated licensing system. The license is valid from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Fishermen aboard a charter and party boat aren't required to obtain individual marine fishing licenses. The boat operators, however, must acquire a marine and coastal district party and charter boat license at a cost of $250 (as of June 2010) and a recreational marine fishing license at a cost of $400, which allows patron fishermen to fish aboard their vessels without a marine fishing license.
Marine Life
Saltwater Fishing Season
Saltwater Fishing Spots
Fishing Regulations
Recreational Marine Fishing License