How to Save the Animals That Are in the Water
- 1). Go vegetarian. If you abstain from eating fish, shellfish and crustaceans, you help to protect wild animals from anthropization. Not only does vegetarianism protect the individual sea creatures that would be consumed as food, but it also protects other species from death by bycatch. Vegetarianism prevents unsafe fishing practices, preserves prey animals for aquatic carnivores, and minimizes the amount of fuel and energy used by the fishing industry.
- 2). Choose sustainable seafoods. If a vegetarian lifestyle is impractical for you, make safer choices by researching the ecological impacts of specific freshwater and saltwater fisheries. The Monterey Bay Aquarium offers detailed guidelines regarding the ecological drawbacks associated with specific seafoods. Choose safer fish and shellfish to reduce your own impact on aquatic life.
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Cutting down on your shower time will help conserve water.Jupiterimages/ Images
Conserve water. Minimize your use of water in your home and lawn. This helps to prevent water overdraft, while also reducing the amount of polluted water entering our sewers, rivers and oceans. Consider limiting your shower time to three to four minutes, forfeiting baths or avoiding lawn sprinklers. - 4). Get in touch with local and national lawmakers about specific issues that concern you. For example, offers up-to-date information about the plight of wild salmon, while other organizations can provide information about manatees, dolphins, whales and other sea-life. Call or write your congressmen if a bill threatens the viability of aquatic wildlife. Encourage lawmakers to support measures that protect wildlife.
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To help, avoid collecting souvenirs such as dried coral.Jupiterimages/ Images
Collect only sustainable souvenirs. Dried coral and other popular beach souvenirs come at a tremendous cost to our environment. Aquarists and fish enthusiasts should also avoid wild coral, live rock or wild-caught ornamental fish. - 6). Make green choices whenever possible. Use a fuel-efficient vehicle, walk to work or take public transportation. Minimize your use of plastic. Recycle whenever possible. Buy organic, and avoid using pesticides or fertilizer on your own land. These general choices help to protect against the imminent threat of global warming -- a major problem facing aquatic wildlife. They also minimize the amount of hazardous pollution entering waterways.
- 7). Donate to charities working to protect aquatic animals. Sea Shepherd is one of the most active groups involved in aquatic wildlife conservation. Other charities working to preserve aquatic wildlife include Greenpeace, Defenders of Wildlife, the World Wildlife Fund and the Environmental Defense Fund.