Homemade Cat Food for Gaining Weight
- 1). Test your cats to see whether they will eat fresh meat rather than dry cat food before you start cooking. Cut small pieces of chicken thigh and breast and leave them for your cats. If they won't eat the meat raw, try cooking it in a frying pan or coating it with Parmesan cheese. This will give you an idea of whether or not your cats are open to the possibility of homemade food.
- 2). Grind the meat for your cat food. Poultry is the easiest option, as it is a natural food for cats. Leave the bones in for calcium and the skin on for fat content. Leave any fat on the meat for additional nutrition. Grind 3 pounds of chicken (meat) to start, place it in a bowl, and set it to the side.
- 3). Cook two eggs lightly so that the yolks and whites are still runny. Add the eggs to the meat, with 1 cup of water, 200 mg of wild salmon oil, 268 mg of Vitamin E powder, 100 mg of Vitamin B powder, 2,000 mg of taurine, 3/4 teaspoon of salt, and 4 ounces of ground liver. Stir the mixture until the powders and oil are evenly distributed through the meat.
- 4). Feed your cat 4 to 6 ounces of this food every day. Put the extra food in sealable plastic containers and freeze it; remember that this is raw meat and will go bad if it is not frozen or refrigerated. This recipe will feed one cat for 10 to 14 days.