How to Make Noah's Ark Flannel-Board Patterns
- 1). Search the Internet, coloring books and magazines for simple animal shapes. You want basic shapes that will be easy to copy and they should also be similar in size. You can use any animals or use the "Arky, Arky" song as a guide. Cut out the shapes out and glue them onto card stock to reinforce the stencil, then cut them out again.
- 2). Create your felt animals. Trace your stencils onto felt with fabric pens. Do not worry about details; just get a basic shape onto the felt. Cut the animals out carefully with sharp scissors. Next, add in details with fabric markers or Sharpies. Use the original photos as a guide to getting the animal markings right. You can add googly eyes or draw them on. Remember, Noah's ark needs two of each animal.
- 3). Make a felt ark for your flannel board. A simple ark can be made be cutting out a large half-circle from brown felt. Cut a small square and triangle out of the same felt. Then arrange the three shapes as follows: half-circle with the flat side up, the square centered on the flat edge, and the triangle on top of the square. Either sew the three pieces together or glue them with fabric glue.