Inspiration - The Key Is Personality Plus
I will explain: Your Impression on Others: Every human makes a somewhat different impression on other people, than any other human being.
You also make impressions on people differently one day to the next.
If you are moody, you make different impressions one hour to the next.
This impression is the impact of your PERSONALITY.
The first impression of your personality is made by SIGHT.
This "first impression" is often a lasting one.
It is referred to as the Mass Effect and is composed of colour and line.
You must ensure that this Mass Effect matches your personality.
The general scheme of your clothing produces this effect.
In matters of love and affection, your best effect is produced through the warm tans, progression through beige, pin and even red.
In business, blues, browns and greys are best, depending on your complexion.
This is the first impression of your personality.
Your Inspiration.
Weight and Impact The weight of your Personality is not affected by your body shape.
Whether tall, short, wide, narrow, round or square, all such body shapes have contained powerful people with incredible impact.
The reason for this is that, like the wire in a light bulb, we do not see the body shape when the power of inspiration shines.
Thus the weight of your personality is determined by the depth of absorption in - your passion and love for your subject.
This leads us to the importance of the skill of adaptation.
Every great achievement created by an individual has been a process of adjustment to something.
Hence, enthusiasm, which is the real power of personality inspired, requires constant adaptation to circumstance.
A fixed mind, with a fixed enthusiasm, on a fixed path, will not achieve its ambition.
Enthusiasm and inspiration are adaptive qualities.
Personality is therefore never fixed.
Adding Mass Effect of good colour, lines and enthusiasm to the fire of your mission, you find that it is not hard work but careful application of personality and adaptation to circumstance that wins you success.
Personality Impact When your friends have the impression that you are the life of the party, your ideas will rarely be taken seriously.
No matter what your depth or purpose, others will not see it without extreme examination.
This examination is rare, as everyone is too busy for it.
Hence, the life of the party, that bright entertaining comedic personality is weak when it comes to mission and success.
Taking yourself too seriously has an equal repelling quality.
If you become to weighty, move too slowly, think too seriously you will sink and lose impact.
People do not follow a sinking ship.
The happy medium between the "life of the party" and "the take myself too seriously" personality is what we strive for.
Be serious on serious questions, be humorous on some occasions.
Be filled with your mission, your great objective in life and your personality will make its impact without any trouble.
Value of Imagination Self consciousness, embarrassment in the presence of others, can be eliminated by the exact same force that created it in the first place.
That is, the force of imagination.
First, you must imagine yourself DOING YOUR GREAT WORK.
Dwell on this for a few weeks, imagining your GREAT WORK - YOUR LIFE'S MISSION.
Imagine WHO and WHAT kind of people will support you on that great mission.
Then, you must see in your mind what kind of people your public consists of.
You must know what they like and dislike and what their desires are in relationship to your kind of a mission in life.
Stop and consider whether they already have the desire for what you do or whether you need to make them want what you have.
Now, your personality has been developed in consideration of three classes of people: a.
Yourself b.
Your Supporters c.
Your Consumers - Your Public Now you must step into the role of LEADER - Using your inspiration and personality to cause action - make influence.
This requires three simple but easily messed up steps.
Organise 95% of all people are weak in the ability to organise.
Knowledge that is not organised leads to confusion.
This is the primary reason why 95% of all people who go into business fail.
It is this lack of organisation that keeps 95% of all people in mediocre professions.
The fact that you are reading this BLOG means you are in the 5% of uncommon people who organise.
To Turn up in life you must organise your life.
To be there for others you must organise your life.
To manage ever increasing responsibility and complexity you need ever improving ways to organise.
Sitting on a surf board or running from meeting to meeting or selling does not organise.
Systems, process and routine organise along with that great organising principle, of higher wisdom, the ability to rise above, or helicopter a situation, causes organisation.
All emotions disorganize.
Inspiration is organisation.
Order in chaos.
Supervise It is an observation of the author that amongst those who master the art of organising, and are able to get everything in perfect working order, seem unable to supervise, or in other language, lead.
The organised person too often gets "bossy" or not enough so.
However, you must develop all three qualities in order to be a success.
Supervise is radically different to manage.
To manage is to organise, to supervise is to lead.
This skill of leadership can be learned firstly by categorising people into levels of consciousness and therefore how much string to give them as healthy.
Then by understanding human nature, and the essence of motive and motivation.
These skills - understanding others come as a result of understanding self.
To supervise - lead - you must understand the human condition and be clear on the balance - and when to be - too bossy and not enough.
Deputise When you can really take on board the abilities of an entrepreneur executive it will be demonstrated ultimately in your capacity to deputise.
This requires nerve and confidence of the same type that is found in all business genius, entrepreneurial success.
It means, in essence, deliberately GIVING YOUR JOB to the next person behind you, having the supreme confidence that you are making bigger and better things just ahead of you.
You will know when you are becoming a master in your chosen line, by the questions people ask you, by the constant requests and enquiry from those you supervise, those you deputise and your public.
When this happens, and there is constant request for consultation, you no longer have the time for the details of your business, you then know it is time to plan yourself into that next position or business venture.
where more planning and less detail will be the rule.
Yet, the mediocre 95% of people, arriving at this point immediately start worrying about the loss of their job, or about someone else taking away part of their importance or authority.
This fear-thought and holding on to past glories is a trait of the common mediocre individual and part of the reason people stay mediocre.
Remember, if you are a student of inspiration - it is in order to be uncommon - not a part of the mediocre 95%.
You also make impressions on people differently one day to the next.
If you are moody, you make different impressions one hour to the next.
This impression is the impact of your PERSONALITY.
The first impression of your personality is made by SIGHT.
This "first impression" is often a lasting one.
It is referred to as the Mass Effect and is composed of colour and line.
You must ensure that this Mass Effect matches your personality.
The general scheme of your clothing produces this effect.
In matters of love and affection, your best effect is produced through the warm tans, progression through beige, pin and even red.
In business, blues, browns and greys are best, depending on your complexion.
This is the first impression of your personality.
Your Inspiration.
Weight and Impact The weight of your Personality is not affected by your body shape.
Whether tall, short, wide, narrow, round or square, all such body shapes have contained powerful people with incredible impact.
The reason for this is that, like the wire in a light bulb, we do not see the body shape when the power of inspiration shines.
Thus the weight of your personality is determined by the depth of absorption in - your passion and love for your subject.
This leads us to the importance of the skill of adaptation.
Every great achievement created by an individual has been a process of adjustment to something.
Hence, enthusiasm, which is the real power of personality inspired, requires constant adaptation to circumstance.
A fixed mind, with a fixed enthusiasm, on a fixed path, will not achieve its ambition.
Enthusiasm and inspiration are adaptive qualities.
Personality is therefore never fixed.
Adding Mass Effect of good colour, lines and enthusiasm to the fire of your mission, you find that it is not hard work but careful application of personality and adaptation to circumstance that wins you success.
Personality Impact When your friends have the impression that you are the life of the party, your ideas will rarely be taken seriously.
No matter what your depth or purpose, others will not see it without extreme examination.
This examination is rare, as everyone is too busy for it.
Hence, the life of the party, that bright entertaining comedic personality is weak when it comes to mission and success.
Taking yourself too seriously has an equal repelling quality.
If you become to weighty, move too slowly, think too seriously you will sink and lose impact.
People do not follow a sinking ship.
The happy medium between the "life of the party" and "the take myself too seriously" personality is what we strive for.
Be serious on serious questions, be humorous on some occasions.
Be filled with your mission, your great objective in life and your personality will make its impact without any trouble.
Value of Imagination Self consciousness, embarrassment in the presence of others, can be eliminated by the exact same force that created it in the first place.
That is, the force of imagination.
First, you must imagine yourself DOING YOUR GREAT WORK.
Dwell on this for a few weeks, imagining your GREAT WORK - YOUR LIFE'S MISSION.
Imagine WHO and WHAT kind of people will support you on that great mission.
Then, you must see in your mind what kind of people your public consists of.
You must know what they like and dislike and what their desires are in relationship to your kind of a mission in life.
Stop and consider whether they already have the desire for what you do or whether you need to make them want what you have.
Now, your personality has been developed in consideration of three classes of people: a.
Yourself b.
Your Supporters c.
Your Consumers - Your Public Now you must step into the role of LEADER - Using your inspiration and personality to cause action - make influence.
This requires three simple but easily messed up steps.
Organise 95% of all people are weak in the ability to organise.
Knowledge that is not organised leads to confusion.
This is the primary reason why 95% of all people who go into business fail.
It is this lack of organisation that keeps 95% of all people in mediocre professions.
The fact that you are reading this BLOG means you are in the 5% of uncommon people who organise.
To Turn up in life you must organise your life.
To be there for others you must organise your life.
To manage ever increasing responsibility and complexity you need ever improving ways to organise.
Sitting on a surf board or running from meeting to meeting or selling does not organise.
Systems, process and routine organise along with that great organising principle, of higher wisdom, the ability to rise above, or helicopter a situation, causes organisation.
All emotions disorganize.
Inspiration is organisation.
Order in chaos.
Supervise It is an observation of the author that amongst those who master the art of organising, and are able to get everything in perfect working order, seem unable to supervise, or in other language, lead.
The organised person too often gets "bossy" or not enough so.
However, you must develop all three qualities in order to be a success.
Supervise is radically different to manage.
To manage is to organise, to supervise is to lead.
This skill of leadership can be learned firstly by categorising people into levels of consciousness and therefore how much string to give them as healthy.
Then by understanding human nature, and the essence of motive and motivation.
These skills - understanding others come as a result of understanding self.
To supervise - lead - you must understand the human condition and be clear on the balance - and when to be - too bossy and not enough.
Deputise When you can really take on board the abilities of an entrepreneur executive it will be demonstrated ultimately in your capacity to deputise.
This requires nerve and confidence of the same type that is found in all business genius, entrepreneurial success.
It means, in essence, deliberately GIVING YOUR JOB to the next person behind you, having the supreme confidence that you are making bigger and better things just ahead of you.
You will know when you are becoming a master in your chosen line, by the questions people ask you, by the constant requests and enquiry from those you supervise, those you deputise and your public.
When this happens, and there is constant request for consultation, you no longer have the time for the details of your business, you then know it is time to plan yourself into that next position or business venture.
where more planning and less detail will be the rule.
Yet, the mediocre 95% of people, arriving at this point immediately start worrying about the loss of their job, or about someone else taking away part of their importance or authority.
This fear-thought and holding on to past glories is a trait of the common mediocre individual and part of the reason people stay mediocre.
Remember, if you are a student of inspiration - it is in order to be uncommon - not a part of the mediocre 95%.