How to Build an Arbor for Muscadines
- 1). Dig holes for posts in a straight line six feet apart, using post hole diggers.
- 2). Sink 4 by 4 posts into the holes. Fill the holes with concrete for added stability.
- 3). Drill two holes into the center of each 2 by 4. Using a wrench and lag bolts, attach 2 by 4 boards to the posts, forming a T-shape.
- 4). Space eye hooks evenly apart and screw four per post into the top of the 2 by 4 boards.
- 5). Tie the clothesline to the eye hooks on the end posts. Thread it through the middle, finally tying it to the eye hooks on the other end post.
- 6). Train the grapevine to the arbor by wrapping its branches around the posts.