Selecting a Natural Gender Selection Method
After familiarizing yourself with the information that natural gender selections offer you can make a selection off of what makes sense to you.
First you should understand where these methods gather their information from.
It's the simple fact that during reproduction a male can produce both a male (Y) sperm and female (X) sperm.
Depending on which one reaches and fertilizes the females (X) egg first is the final determining factor as to the sex of a baby.
When a woman ovulates plays a large part in even getting pregnant as well.
Just as sperm have their own life cycle so does the egg.
There is a short window of time that an egg can be fertilized by a sperm and if it is missed than a woman has her menstrual cycle and ovulation will occur again.
So what are the life cycles of both the egg and sperm? While the whole cycle of ovulation can be lengthy the actual life span of the egg is short lived.
After leaving the ovary an egg only lives between twelve and twenty-four hours.
Sperm on the other hand can live in the woman's body anywhere from two to five days after intercourse.
Along with there being two types of sperm (male-Y and female-X) each also has their own characteristics and qualities that are different from each other.
The male (Y) sperm are small in comparison to the female (X) sperm but they can swim faster.
While the female (X) is the slower of the two it can also survive longer than the male (Y).
With all these factors put together you can see why timing is so important in the whole process of getting pregnant.
It' a wonder that for some it can happen so easily being that the life spans of both the egg and sperm aren't that long.
Timing is also the area that you may find these gender selection methods differ from each other.
Mainly the timing of when and where the sperm and egg should meet in their travels.
The main goal for a natural gender selection method is to teach you how to take advantage of that window of opportunity to get pregnant so you can increase the odds towards conceiving the desired gender.
There are a few guides available that offer advise for conceiving both genders but are there any that might offer support or counseling as well?
First you should understand where these methods gather their information from.
It's the simple fact that during reproduction a male can produce both a male (Y) sperm and female (X) sperm.
Depending on which one reaches and fertilizes the females (X) egg first is the final determining factor as to the sex of a baby.
When a woman ovulates plays a large part in even getting pregnant as well.
Just as sperm have their own life cycle so does the egg.
There is a short window of time that an egg can be fertilized by a sperm and if it is missed than a woman has her menstrual cycle and ovulation will occur again.
So what are the life cycles of both the egg and sperm? While the whole cycle of ovulation can be lengthy the actual life span of the egg is short lived.
After leaving the ovary an egg only lives between twelve and twenty-four hours.
Sperm on the other hand can live in the woman's body anywhere from two to five days after intercourse.
Along with there being two types of sperm (male-Y and female-X) each also has their own characteristics and qualities that are different from each other.
The male (Y) sperm are small in comparison to the female (X) sperm but they can swim faster.
While the female (X) is the slower of the two it can also survive longer than the male (Y).
With all these factors put together you can see why timing is so important in the whole process of getting pregnant.
It' a wonder that for some it can happen so easily being that the life spans of both the egg and sperm aren't that long.
Timing is also the area that you may find these gender selection methods differ from each other.
Mainly the timing of when and where the sperm and egg should meet in their travels.
The main goal for a natural gender selection method is to teach you how to take advantage of that window of opportunity to get pregnant so you can increase the odds towards conceiving the desired gender.
There are a few guides available that offer advise for conceiving both genders but are there any that might offer support or counseling as well?