Having a Baby? Think Yoga
Having a Baby? Think Yoga
Yoga in Pregnancy
"It's important to be aware of the physiological changes of pregnancy," says Kuperman, "so you can take into account such symptoms as morning sickness, lightheadedness, vertigo, increased elasticity of the ligaments, and so on."
Yoga's emphasis on breathing is especially helpful to a pregnant woman, says Kuperman, explaining that the elevation of the diaphragm during pregnancy typically causes breathing difficulties. Deep breathing, however, enables the mother to avoid decreasing lung capacity, while increasing oxygenation to the blood.
As good as yoga is for the body, it's equally as important to the mind, giving a focus and discipline that stands a woman in good stead throughout her pregnancy, as well as during labor and delivery.
"Yoga is fun, nourishing to your body and mind, and a wonderful exploration," says Pringle.
"The secret of yoga is awareness," adds Kuperman. "Awareness of the postures, awareness of our breath, and simply awareness of being aware."
Having a Baby? Think Yoga
Yoga in Pregnancy
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"It's important to be aware of the physiological changes of pregnancy," says Kuperman, "so you can take into account such symptoms as morning sickness, lightheadedness, vertigo, increased elasticity of the ligaments, and so on."
Yoga's emphasis on breathing is especially helpful to a pregnant woman, says Kuperman, explaining that the elevation of the diaphragm during pregnancy typically causes breathing difficulties. Deep breathing, however, enables the mother to avoid decreasing lung capacity, while increasing oxygenation to the blood.
As good as yoga is for the body, it's equally as important to the mind, giving a focus and discipline that stands a woman in good stead throughout her pregnancy, as well as during labor and delivery.
"Yoga is fun, nourishing to your body and mind, and a wonderful exploration," says Pringle.
"The secret of yoga is awareness," adds Kuperman. "Awareness of the postures, awareness of our breath, and simply awareness of being aware."